Trouble with the Cops

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We hung out around the boardwalk for a little while longer before heading toward the cave. There seemed to be a lot less people than usual. We were just walking around trying not to cause any trouble which rarely happens, when the cops approached us. We all looked a little worried because of what happened at the boardwalk a few weeks ago. Dwayne pushed me behind him. The cop said "The girl." Dwayne said "What about the girl?" The cop replied "Give us the girl." I spoke up and said "Why do you need me?" The cop said "Well you have been reported as being kidnapped and we actually need all of you to come with us." We all looked at each other. Then David said "What are you going to do with us?" The cop said "We'll just ask you some questions and arrest you boys for the kidnapping of Sylvia Watson." I couldn't let the cops do that. "Wait, first of all they didn't kidnap me , and second of all who told you this?" I was starting to get frustrated. The cop said "Your parents told us." I couldn't believe this. My own parents betrayed me, I thought I could trust them, but apparently I can't. "Theres only one condition, you'll guys have to ride in separate police cars." the cop said. That's where Dwayne drawled the line. "Im not going in a separate police car. I'm going to be in the same car as Sylvia." The cop agreed but only for him. The rest of the boys had to go in separate cars. We all got into the police cars. Dwayne sat close to me and put his arm around me. The we were off to the police station.

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