03 | Exploring!

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______________________{Flashback from last chapter}

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{Flashback from last chapter}

Luca texted me he was outside so I took my bags with me and everything I wanted to bring and loaded it in. Luca help out a bit, once we got that covered we hit the road although we stopped at a gas station to get gas and snacks. Once we had gotten a full tank Luca started driving off, he told me J should get some rest because of how long the ride is, so that's what I did...

{End of Flashback}

Luca's POV

(Flashback to when they were at the mall.)

"Alright, so since we will be having so many people going on the Vacation we have to save our money on gas, so we will have 2 or more people in a car." Said Nina. Everyone agreed so they had came up with this.

Car 1- Nina, Pomu, Elira

Car 2- Vox, Mysta, Ike

Car 3- Luca, Shoto, Shu
(I changed it up a bit)

All the other boys wanted to be in the car with Shoto, Ike wanted to be in the same car as him so he could work on his novel in peace.

Mysta wanted to be able to bug Shoto the whole ride, which the others wouldn't allow.

The reason for Vox was simply to be able to tease him every once in a while without most of them around.

Shoto had no clue about this what so ever since he was playing games in the arcade with Pomu and Elira.
(Lemme join in :'^)

After they had figured that out they got the three and went to go get food.

(Back to the present.)

Still Luca's POV

We had just bought some gas and a few snacks for the road, since it was going to take quite a while to get there it was about a 5 hour ride.
(I wouldn't be able to stand that long of a trip XD)

I had told Shoto to go to sleep since it was a long ride which he did end up doing. Luca smirked at the fact he could do almost anything and he wouldn't know.

Luca tossed the snack bag at in the backseat before he went over Shoto's sleeping body adjusting his seat backwards so he would sleep more comfortably.

°·The Vacation·° (Shoto,Vox,Luca+)Where stories live. Discover now