Chapter 6: Your hands looks cool

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"Trafalgar Law, Wake up!"

Law's eyes were welcomed by the blazing sunlight coming through the window.

He saw Monet opening the curtains, letting the sun hit his bed.

"What the hell, Monet?" Law growled putting a pillow on his face.

"Get up now, it's late in the morning, sleepyhead. Wash yourself and eat your breakfast downstairs."

Monet told Law before leaving his room.

"Why is she suddenly acting like my mother?" Law murmured, forcing himself to go back to sleep.

He hasn't had a decent sleep for a long time and he wants to sleep more.

After a few moments, Law heard his phone ring.

He got up and threw his pillow in irritation. His damn pink-loving father is calling him again.

"Why in the world do these people not let me rest in peace?"

"What is it this time?" Law irritatingly says, as soon as he presses the answer button.

"Ara. It seems like I am disturbing your peaceful sleep. My apologies." Any hint of being sorry isn't even visible in Doflamingo's words.

Law thought that Doflamingo and Monet were truly father and daughter. Their ability to annoy Law is running through their veins.

"Well, anyway, I can see that you have already arrived at our humble mansion. I suggest that you enjoy your stay there. I received a call earlier informing me that the party would be happening in the next two or three weeks."

"Are you kidding me? It's still far! Why did you send me here this early? What am I supposed to do here?"

Law couldn't contain his anger. He can sense that his father is enjoying this. He is making fun of him. He has a lot of work to do in the hospital, and he doesn't have any spare time to waste.

"You should listen to me, Law. After this, you won't have to see me again. You can live your own life and I won't bother you. I promise."

Doflamingo's voice became serious. Law has never heard his father talk like this before and he is having second thoughts about whether he'll trust what he's saying or not.

"You can trust me on this one. And I'll understand if you can't. If you really want to get rid of me, this is your chance. In the meantime, I want you to spend your time there. Son, bear with me... until the party."

Law sighs. His father is cunning, he's not in his position in life right now if he isn't. But something in his voice is telling Law to trust him.

"Fine. But if you break your word, I'll show you what my capabilities are. Father."

The coldness in Law's voice can be felt all over the room. Even Doflamingo, on the other line, shivers at the sound of his son's own voice.

Doflamingo let out a laugh to hide the slight fear he felt from his son's threat. He's proud of what his Law has become over the years.

"Fufufu, that's my boy."


After the call, Law couldn't get back to sleep. That's why he just took a bath, put on his clothes, and thought about what to do for the rest of the day.

He planned to do his paperwork at his favorite spot in the forest because the place was calming him.

He then drove to the forest and parked his car where he had placed it yesterday and headed to the pond, bringing his laptop.

He's walking peacefully when he remember the girl he met yesterday. 'That chibi. Is there any chance that I'll meet her again?' the thought suddenly went into his mind but eventually dropped the idea because he couldn't stand having an annoying and loud girl like her around him.

Law arrived at the place and sat under the same tree. He put his laptop on his lap and glanced at the pond.

Law almost cursed when he spotted a girl wearing the same Strawhat sitting near the pond holding a fishing rod.

'What is she doing here?' he mumbled.

Law stood up and walked to where Luffy was. Luffy didn't notice his presence. She's still looking at the pond patiently waiting to catch something.

Law was surprised that an easy-going goofball like her could stay put in one place too. That's just unbelievable.

"Ugh! This is making me feel hungry!"
Luffy blurted out and let go of the fishing rod.

Law changed his mind. It was bold of him to think about what he just thought earlier. The word "patience" doesn't exist in Luffy's dictionary either.

"What are you doing here alone?" Law asks.

Luffy looked up to him and when he remembered who he was, she gave him a wide bright smile. Law couldn't help but feel warm with those smiles that he almost let out a smile himself but the feeling immediately faded when the girl began to speak.

"Toraoooo!" the girl called him with the ridiculous nickname she gave him yesterday.

Law is still uncomfortable being called by the nickname but it's no use arguing about it again. He doesn't have the energy to be arguing over petty things like that anyway.

"I'm fishing with Usopp earlier. But he just left to help his girlfriend organize a party!" Luffy explained with full energy while pointing to a single spot in the forest.

That explains the other fishing rod on Luffy's side.

"I see." Law's short reply.

"How about you? Are you here to sleep again?" Luffy innocently asked.

"No. I'm going to work."

Luffy gave him a questionable look. Totally clueless.

"Right here? Are you going to cut the trees? or collect herbs? Chopper said he also needs those for work."

Law ruffled Luffy's hair, walking back to the tree to get his laptop. Luffy follows him from behind, curiously watching what he's about to do.

Law sat down and opened his laptop.

"I'm going to check some files and documents here." Law told Luffy.

"Meh. That's boring. Is your job checking those?" Luffy commented.

"I'm a doctor."

Law answered while starting to scanned his laptop to look for some files.
"Wow! Really? That's cool!"
He couldn't help but look to his side because of the girl's reaction. He was amused by seeing Luffy's amazed face.

"How about you? Still studying?"

Luffy gave him a bored look. It's like he just opened a very uninteresting topic.

"Nope." She shrugged.
Law glanced at her.

"..I graduated last year from my senior year."

"You don't have any plans for college?"

He asked out of curiosity. He just thought that she seemed a bit too relaxed during this time of her life.

"Torao, what's so good about studying? It just bore me a lot!"

Luffy doesn't look like a delinquent, but a teenager who likes to spend her time playing around. He can tell that the girl is living a carefree life.

"No matter how boring studying is, still, you need to finish school. So that you can live a good life in the future."

He heard her whining beside him. She didn't answer his question though, he thought that she's just dodging the topic so he didn't pry more.

He continued typing something on his laptop when Luffy suddenly exclaimed.

"Torao, your hands look cool!"

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