Chapter 11: Friend

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Law suddenly felt bad for what he did. He acted like he had some sort of authority over Luffy, even if he was just a mere stranger to her just a few weeks ago. He couldn't control himself from acting like that, he just valued education too much.

"Alright. If you really don't want to attend your class, I won't force you anymore. I'm so sorry for dragging you here, Chibi-ya."

Luffy's eyes darted at the man who was now looking at her with a sorry expression, as if he had just committed a grave sin.

"What are you saying? I should be the one apologizing..." Luffy said with a small voice, looking down, biting her bottomlip.

"I'm sorry for acting like a baby, Torao."

'Ace was right. How could I be your girlfriend if I kept acting like this?' Luffy mumbled while frowning which wasn't heard clearly by Law.

Law stared at the girl with a surprised expression. She's aware of her actions? He admits that he doesn't have any idea of what to do with her at times and he's never been this patient with anyone before, not even with Lami, his younger sister.

Lami was exposed to their parents fightings in front of her. That's why she matured early despite her young age. She's always acting like she's strong and never cried whenever she gets sick. He knews that Lami felt that she would be a burden to them if she acted like the other children her age. Maybe that's the reason why Law doesn't like people like Luffy, easygoing and carefree, living freely like they don't give a damn about the world, because his sister never lived that kind of life.

But surprisingly, he was never annoyed by Luffy's childish personality. She's not that hard to handle honestly, he's enjoying every emotion plastered in her face, and meat is the solution to every angry pout she had, that's how easy Luffy to woe.

He extended a hand to reach for Luffy's head before stroking the girl's dark locks.

'Lami, what if you were this carefree when you were still alive? Onii-san wouldn't mind handling a little headache, you know.'

The two are completely different people. Lami is not Luffy. Luffy shouldn't be sorry for what she is. Besides, if she were not this lively, maybe she wouldn't have caught his attention from the very first time they met.

Luffy's mouth curved into a smile at the touch. It's rare for the guy to be touchy and she doesn't know why she likes the feeling of being touched by him. It's weird, but she could feel like there were butterflies accumulating her stomach.

She snuggled a little to feel the warmth of the man's hands in her head which made Law smile.

Luffy stared at Law smiling, his smile is different this time. He is giving her the gentlest and warmest smile she has ever seen. She can't help but to be captivated by it. She could feel her heartbeat suddenly racing faster. 'What is wrong with me?' She thought. She gulped and straightened in her seat looking away from Law's face.

"Yosh! Let's go to East Blue High!" Luffy exclaimed while pointing towards the road to hide the weird thing she's feeling.

Law chuckled and started the engine. Luffy was back to her usual noisy self again.


Law was planning to just drop Luffy off at the university and go home afterwards, but the girl didn't let him. She wanted him to come with her because Luffy wanted to introduce him to her 'friends' and judging by Luffy's personality, when she meant 'friends', it meant a crowd, and Law hates the crowd, but he's not in the position to refuse because he still owes Luffy for his earlier behavior.

They were now in front of Luffy's classroom and they could hear a roaring voice of a woman yelling inside.

He is hesitant to enter along with Luffy because he can feel that the teacher is in a bad mood, but Luffy doesn't seem to care who's clinging to his arm beside him.

She's been clinging to him like a monkey ever since they got out of his car earlier. She said he wouldn't let go of him till they arrive because he might run away, which Law finds ridiculous but lets her be. He's not bothered by the action anyway.

"Torao, let's get inside." Luffy looked up at him and lightly gripped his arm.

"That might be a bad idea, Chibi-ya." Law almost whispered.

"Huh? Why?" Luffy asked cluelessly.

Law faced her, that made Luffy let go of his arm, he was a little disappointed, but he focused on looking at the clueless teenager in front of him.

"How many hours were you late?" Law asked.

Luffy's eyes gazed at the ceiling like she was having a very deep thought.

"Uh, an hour, I think?"

Law wasn't even surprised by her answer. How could she remain this calm.. not to mention her teacher bursting in anger inside the classroom. He's fighting the urge to hit the girl's forehead.


They heard a small voice coming from the window of the classroom. There they saw a roaster haired boy peeping through the window.

Luffy smiled widely and waved at the boy.


Law almost covered Luffy's mouth when she yelled, calling out the boy's name.

The boy Luffy called Barto puts his finger into his mouth, signalling Luffy to lower down her voice, but it was too late.

"What is that noise?!"

A tall, probably as tall as Law, fair-skinned, with a sexy figure who would probably pass as a miss universe candidate is now standing at the front door, with her hands on her waist, looking directly at the two of them. The woman has an intimidating aura just like the head doctor Kureha, she looks like one of those terror teachers that doesn't show any mercy to their students which worries him a little because of what she might demand as a punishment to the little idiot that's standing beside him.

The woman approaches Luffy ignoring his presence. She lowered her gaze to Luffy and pinched her cheeks, stretching them out.

"You little missy, where have you been in our last meetings? Why aren't you attending my classes, huh?"

"Ouch. It hurts! Let go of my cheeks, Hammock!" Luffy complained, almost letting out a cry.

Law, who was still confused at the unusual behavior of the supposed to be terror teacher was alarmed when he heard Luffy's hurting complaints. He was about to speak when the woman let go of Luffy's cheeks and put her hands in her mouth like she just realized what she was doing.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, Luffy. Are you okay? Does it hurt? Your cheeks are swollen! What should I do?!"

The woman freaked out and immediately caressed Luffy's cheeks. Law doesn't know how to react. Obviously her pinching didn't even hurt that much, but why is this woman overreacting?

"Excuse me. I think she's fine."

Law didn't control himself and speak up because the woman was freaking out too much, like she had just broken a fragile vase.

The teacher eyed him from head to toe as if she was questioning his whole existence.

"And you might be?" the woman asked in a low voice.

"I am Trafalgar Law. Her... friend."

He's still hesitant to say the last word because, up until now, he still hadn't acknowledged Luffy as a friend. It's not like he doesn't want to be Luffy's friend. Luffy might think the same way because he keeps rejecting Luffy's offer to be her friend, it's just that he doesn't need friends and he doesn't want to have that kind of relationship with her.

Being only a friend to her. He doesn't like the thought. He is sure Luffy has lots of them already anyway, and he doesn't want to be one of them. He is unsure of what kind of relationship he wants with Luffy, so he chooses to just be nothing to her.

But since he doesn't have any relationship other than a 'friend' with Luffy, he didn't have any choice right now but to say it.

He felt a hand slightly tugging the ends of his shirt. When he turned to see the shorter teen beside him, he was welcomed by Luffy's warm smile that he felt like softened the insides of his soul.

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