The 11th Ward Pt 2

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May 31, 2007

08:00 A.M.

11th Ward Branch Office

In the meeting hall, the elite of Aogiri Tree were gathered under a singular bright light. All masks were on, and all were listening to Tatara as the highly intelligent Ghoul relayed the plan of defense against the incoming CCG assault due to arrive tonight. Or rather, most were listening. Eto was multitasking, and Percy was distracted…because his kinky girlfriend had her hand down the back of his pants, playing with his butt.

In any normal relationship, the roles of the one doing the kneading and the one allowing it to happen would've been reversed, but the nature of 'Perceto' was far from normal. One, they were Ghouls. Two, there was a ten-plus age difference. Three, Eto wore the pants. Four, Percy's sexual knowledge was limited. And five, Percy had a severe lack of masculine role-model in his life (Enji was a distant uncle, Yomo was a fighting instructor, and Yoshimura was too old), with his main models being his deceased, loving mother, and his (past) doting, overbearing, overprotective big sister.

Please forgive the fatherless thirteen-year-old for being a bit more feminine and submissive than what was generally accepted for a boy.

Didn't change the fact that said boy was a SSS-rated Ghoul with a kakuja.

Then Eto's finger brushed against something that Percy was not comfortable with being touched. The young Ghoul yelped from beneath his mask, and leapt about ten feet away from Eto, who was giggling madly from underneath her bandages. Her little stunt attracted the entire room's attention.

Tatara sighed in exasperation, his narrow black-and-red eyes staring at the shortest Ghouls present. "Do you two have to copulate here? Can you not find a room?"

"That's what I'm saying!" Kraken muttered.

Eto just giggled.



8:30 A.M.

Jason's eyes snapped wide-open as his internal alarm clock, honed from years of waking, blared loudly within the son of Jupiter's head. Momentarily confused as to why he was in a seriously comfortable bed as opposed to his usual hammock at the barracks, Jason sat up in a flash, assuming he had been kidnapped and was now being held hostage by someone/thing.

Then the synapses reconnected, and the memories returned in a flood. Right then; Percy Jackson, cousin, son of Neptune, Ghoul, Kraken, SSS-rated, rescue, bring to New Rome, teach, quest issued by gods. Jason breathed in deeply. This was going to be one Pluto of a day.


Using the bedroom's facilities, Jason relieved himself, took a shower, brushed his teeth, and put on clean clothes for the day, before heading down stairs to get an understanding of what was going to be happening during his and his comrades' stay here. Hopefully discuss a plan to find, subdue, and ship Percy to New Rome…not necessarily with that terminology, but the same effect was there.

However, as Jason was walking down the hall, the bluenette, Touka Kirishima, conveniently walked out of her room, fully dressed and ready to go. The two teens locked eyes, and Jason suddenly felt like he was back at the Wolf House, being stared down by several ancient canines ready to tear him apart. The son of Jupiter audibly gulped.

After what seemed like an eternity, Touka finally broke eye contact, turning her back to the half-blood. "Follow me."


Touka glared at Jason from over her shoulder, her iris red and her sclera black. "I told you to follow me, not ask questions."

Another door opened up further down the hall, and Vanessa the Praetor stuck her head out. "What's going on out here?" the teen glared, clearly having overheard the conversation.

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