Salacia's Visit

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Does anyone have any good stories with the main character is an asshole and doesn't like anyone?


Persia flopped against the railing of the ship, feeling the wind pass through her hair, watching the waves pass by, sighing despondently at the events of the past days. The Romans were getting restless, finding it increasingly difficult to keep themselves entertained on a ship that had only so much to do. This was also the ocean, a place the Romans had a glaringly negative history with, and they were sharing a boat with a quartet of apex predators that could tear all of them apart with next to no trouble at all.

So they were suffering from a combination of fear, and ADHD-related boredom.

Kaneki was starting to act weird too. It started the night Touka caught her and Eto sleeping together, and after that terrible argument, and Touka had kicked Kaneki out, the half-Ghoul had been forced to find lodging elsewhere, and took the carpeted floor right outside the suite, without a blanket or so much as a pillow, and it wasn't exactly warm in the halls.

He had woken up screaming in the middle of the night, and all attempts at getting him to talk about what had happened during his nightmare, and all subsequent nightmares thereafter, had been met with a dismissive wall and an easy, false smile. Still, that didn't stop Persia from following her brother, and find him muttering to himself in a fear-filled voice, muttering about his fingers and his toes, about centipedes. It scared Persia to see him like that, especially with the streaks of white steadily starting to show up in his hair.

Touka was still at Eto's throat over her and Persia's relationship, although there was the young Ghoul's big sister. Touka stared at the ground more, she was more subdued, distracted. There was a glaze to her eyes, and an apprehensive to her steps, and Persia saw it all. She might've been a personality formed due to extreme stress, but she still had all of Percy's combat, observational, and hunting memories. She could read people, and she was reading Touka like a book—which was to say, with difficulty. Touka was good at hiding her emotions and true feelings, which was why Persia knew the things she did, but not the cause, and all attempts at digging were met with dismissal, and almost cruel rebuttal.

"Nothing's wrong, so quit asking before I hurt you."

"Will you shut up about it, already? I'm perfectly fine."

"Stop annoying me before I punch you through the gut."

But other than that, Touka was cordial as ever. When Persia asked Kaneki, Hazel, and Vanessa about this, as Kaneki was smart as crap, and Hazel and Vanessa were girls, Kaneki said it has something to do with her 'cycle,' Hazel blushed and stuttered something along the lines of 'she'll get better,' and Vanessa told her that Touka was simply on her period, and the demigoddess looked surprised at that, for some reason.

Persia remained just as confused at the end of her inquirial quest as she did when she started.

The bottom line was that both Touka and Kaneki were bothered by something, and neither wanted to talk about it; it made Persia feel hurt on the inside.

And Eto…? Well, things were different now. Much different.

To Touka's consternation, Persia had sought Eto out immediately come the sunrise of the day after the fight. There were things that needed to be talked about. It was easy to track the One-Eyed Owl down, considering her scent was the strongest on this ship, a fact that was doubled when Persia could still easily smell herself all over the greenette.

Eto was standing at the prow, admiring the sunrise. She turned around when she smelled her girlfriend approaching. "Morning, Princess."

Persia stopped about three feet away, and put her hands on her hips, something that caused Eto to snort in amusement.

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