Please dont make me tell

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****Sonny's POV****

I walked back into the auditorium trying to figure out what to do. I knew this girl was lying and she was afraid, she did have a good point though—her father is a big shot lawyer and he was good at what he did.

I happen to notice Mia went over to her friend she sat with and she said something throwing her hands in the air and they went out the door, it was 11:30 so they probably was heading to lunch.

"Great presentation today."
Amanda came up and smiled

I smiled

"What's wrong with you? Something's bothering you."
Amanda said

"How do know?"
I asked

"The look on your face and I am your wife."
Amanda smiled

I took a deep breath

"I think we have a problem."
I said

"You're talking about the girl that ran by you and Nick-Nick told me about it. I seen her face."
Amanda said

"Yeah, her dad is Travis Martinez. She don't act right Amanda, she don't. Something is going on."
I said

Olivia and Nick came over

"She say anything to you?"
Nick ask

"No she wouldn't say anything, she's too jumpy and don't act right. She responded with a lot her dad is a big shot attorney, something is wrong."
I said

"She was with a girl, maybe her friend would say something?"
Nick asked

"Do we think this dad could maybe be abusive?"
Amanda asked

"Well maybe I could talk to her, she maybe more comfortable with a female."
Olivia said

"Let's go."
Nick said

****Mia's POV****

"So you didn't tell the detective anything?"
Victoria asked

"No and I don't know how he knew where I was either-and that fast."
I said

Victoria looked down

"Hey ladies."
Victoria and I looked over
Olivia was smiling

The other 3 detectives was with her

Damn it..I thought

Victoria smiled

I just looked down and was eating my food Like they wasn't there and I was nervous.

"Mia I need to talk to you, would that be ok?"
I looked up Olivia was smiling

"What about?"
I asked

"We're going around talking to 7th graders and you're new this year."
Olivia said

"Im not interested in talking, thanks though."
I said

"Hey why don't you come with me?"
Sonny ushered for Victoria to get up

"Is she in trouble?!"
I got nervous

"No not at all, she's another one we are talking too. You're not in trouble either Mia."
Olivia said

"Wait how do you know my name?"
I asked

"Sonny told me it's a beautiful name."
Olivia smiled

Victoria got up from the table

"I'll be right back."
Victoria smiled

Victoria walked away with Sonny and Amanda

"Is it ok if Detective Amaro sits with us while we talk?"
Olivia asked

My heart was pounding
I was nervous
This is it

"Yeah, sure."
I smiled

"So you can continue to eat while we talk."
Olivia smiled

"You can call me Nick if you like".
Nick smiled

I said

****Sonny's POV****

"Victoria you did the right thing about approaching us."
I said

"Yeah, I hope so."
Victoria said

"We won't tell Mia anything that you say or do, it's all confidential."
Amanda said

Victoria looked down
She got a-little emotional

Victoria looked up and wiped her eyes

"Victoria it's ok."
Amanda said 

"I can't tell I promised her, and I told her I wanted to be a good friend to her.."
Victoria said

"Victoria your friend needs help, she needs you more than ever right now, this is you being a good friend."
I said almost begging her

Victoria took a deep breath

"Mia came to school this morning with the cut on her face, I asked her what happened
She said was skateboarding yesterday and fell in the gravel. I asked if someone was hurting her I told her I wouldn't tell if someone was and I just wanted to be a good friend to her. Mia's eyes filled up with Tears and she didn't say anything other than please don't tell.
She said she couldn't  go to the presentation today with you cops  being here and in her words my dad is an attorney. None of this will end well. I told her I would be with her And that's why she ran by you and that other Detective in hopes you wouldn't notice her face. When you mentioned talking to one of you if we was in trouble, I encouraged her too. She said she couldn't because her dad never lost a case, and I'm sorry I lied in the beginning about the skateboard. I just didn't realize how serious this could be until your presentation, and when she left to go to the bathroom, I knew I had one chance."
Victoria said

Amanda and I looked at each other

"Carisi, Rollins".
Olivia and Nick approached us

"Hey captain."
Amanda said

"Did Mia tell you anything?"
Victoria asked

"No she didn't sweetie, she's too afraid."
Olivia frowned

"I'm sorry I made this complicated."
Victoria said

"Hey, you didn't do anything wrong."
Amanda put her hand on Victoria's shoulder

"I may have an idea."
Olivia added

The Girl with a secret Life (A Sonny Carisi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now