The secret is out

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****Mia's POV****

I was at my locker getting my stuff for the weekend, I hated that it was the weekend.
I took a deep breath and shut my locker

"Hey Mia."
Victoria ran up to me

I smiled

"Do you want to do something this weekend?"
Victoria asked

Travis would never let me
I can't have her at the house
What do I say

"I..can't this weekend we're going out of town."
I lied

"When are you leaving?"
Victoria asked

"Umm tonight I think."
I lied again

I began to walk, knowing if I wasn't home by 4 at the latest I was in trouble

Victoria grabbed my arm and pulled me back

I whispered

"Mia why did you say oww? Why have you been wearing long sleeves everyday this week? It's been in the 80's. Please talk to me."
Victoria said

We got outside

"Listen Victoria I'm not trying to be rude at all, but I told you I can not talk about anything. (I felt some tears fall down my face) I just sometimes upset my dad. He has a lot of tough and rough cases, he's for a rep to protect. Dealing with a 12 year old girl I guess is hard sometimes."
I said

"Mia you don't deserve someone beating you or hurting you."
Victoria said

"With all due respect no one understands and it's your word against mine, plus who's going to Believe 12 year olds-that's exactly what my dad said".
I said

"Mia what's he doing to you?"
Victoria asked

"I have to get home. I'll see you Monday."
I smiled

Victoria frowned

I walked away and made my way home, I knew I'd be late but I braced myself for the throw down

****Sonny's POV****

"Victoria you did great."
I said

Olivia helped get the wire microphone off Of Victoria

"So what happens now?"
Victoria asked

"We're going to take this to our ADA and get approved for a welfare check, with her dad being this attorney we have to do this carefully and calmly..especially since she is a minor".
Olivia said

"I hope Mia really isn't going out of town."
Victoria said

"No I think she lied, the tone of he voice changed, and she was skipping in her voice."
Amanda said

"Will Mia be removed from the home?"
Victoria asked

"That's what we are hopeful for once we get with the ADA and use what we have."
Nick said

"Sonny please don't let Mia stay in that home,
I know we've only known each other a week but she's my only friend....get her in a good home."
Victoria said

That struck a nerve when she said that
My heart raced
My heart felt sad and mad that this guy could be abusing his daughter and Amanda and I
Just lost a daughter

I looked at Amanda and she looked at me

****Mia's POV****

I got home and it was a-little after 4.
The first week of school was completed
I made a friend and I managed to lie my way out of everything today.
Victoria did act weird when she was talking to me but who knows
Travis wasn't home so I think I was safe, I hope he wouldn't know I was late.

The Girl with a secret Life (A Sonny Carisi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now