Chapter Two - Cailee

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who is still reading <3

     Sooooo. . . here's the next chapter. Enjoy. And I am going to say this now before I forget like I did last chapter. I DON'T OWN PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS. I love caps.

     I awoke to the sound of a conch shell. Groaning, I sat up in my bed. Breakfast had never been this early, had it? Apparently.

     "Cailee, get up!" Jessica, my half sister, yelled. "You're going to make us all late. . .again."

     "Sorry," I muttered. "Someone could have told me."

     Jessica stared at me. "You think we're that dumb? We haven't forgotten Dallin's broken leg."

     "I told you I was not having a good day," I defended myself as I scrambled around, grabbed some clothes, and headed into the bathroom to change. When I came out, the cabin was empty. I couldn't blame them. By now it was probably considered a crime to wait for me. Well, what did I care? I didn't have anything left to live for. Nothing mattered anymore. Not since Corrin.

     When I finally was ready to go, I grabbed my knife (yeah, a daughter of Apolo using a knife instead of a bow might be strange, but I had a reason). As I approached the door, I noticed a note taped to it. 

     Get up, lazy. The Hypnos cabin is starting to think you got claimed by the wrong parent. I could believe it.      -Jess

     I rolled my eyes. Leave it to her to make your day so  much better. I sprinted into the dining pavilion, and everyone went really quiet. 

     "Umm. . . sorry." I muttered. " I overslept.

     Someone snickered from the Ares cabin. "Well, duh!" One of her half sisters elbowed her into silence. What was going on?

     I sat down at the Apollo table. "Why is everyone acting like this?" I whispered to no one in particular. I just wanted answers.

     "Because Corrin is dead," six-year-old Stacey said matter-of-factly.

     I knew she did't mean any harm, she was so innocent and cute. But I felt tears well in my eyes. "You were talking about her again, wern't you?" I asked.

     Jessica put her hand on my shoulder. "Cailee, we miss her, too. Talking about it helps up get over our greif. Maybe you should talk to someone about it."

     "You didn't know her!" I hissed. "No one did! No one understands how much she meant to me. No one will ever take her place. No one can make me forget her. And I don't want to." Tears were spilling down my cheeks. I couldn't help it. Corrin was an amazing person, and her spirit was partying in Elysium right now. I knew it. But as selfish as it sounds, I wished she was here.

     Jessica was crying, too. Will Solstice had his face in his hands. He may have been head counselor, but he was trying hard to keep it together. Dallin, my half-brother and one of my best friends, stood up. "I'm off to play basketball. Tell me if anything interesting happens."  He walked off and I watched him go.

     One by one, people left to do various activities -- climbing the rock wall, archery, pegasus riding, pranking, basket weaving, etc. The Stolls looked like they were up to no good, hanging around the Demeter cabin. Connor had really liked Corrin. At one point he even talked to me about asking her out. I told him to go for it, but he never got the courage, seeing as just about every other boy in camp had already tried and been denied. He had been the first, other than me, to cry about Corrin's death. Connor had just been coming to find her to tell her how he felt, but all he found was a dead body and a pool of blood.

     Later that day, I was sitting alone at the edge of the strawberry fields, my new favorite place,  sobbing my heart out -- when I realized something.

     I had to move on.

    Corrin would forever be a part of me,  I would never forget her, yet I knew she wouldn't want me to waste my life crying over her. After all, that was what I promised her when she died, Was it not?


Corrin's Point of View

    I watched silently from the shadows on the edge of  the strawberry fields. Not that it mattered. No one could see or hear me anyway.

     My heart was being ripped in two as I watched Corrin cry over me. I had made her promise me that she would move on, and she hadn't. 

     Patience, I told myself. How would you feel if Cailee died? I know you would need  a lot more time than this.

     I wanted to comfort her, to reach out and help the person I cared most about, but couldn't. Even if she didn't have me, she had to stay strong. Little did I know, that was what she would be doing for the rest of her life. Without me, or anyone. Cailee was a special girl, and she had special adventures coming. I knew she was going to have to make some hard choices, yet she would stay strong. I felt that more than anything.

     I also felt it was time to go. Even if i had achieved Elysium three times and reached the Isles of the Blest, it took lots of begging before I could convince Hades to let  me come here.

Ohhh, I bet no one was expecting that. Corrin was actually not going to be in my stories originally, but I got the idea about a week before I started writing this. Once again, I'm not Rick Rioridan, please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes, etc. etc. Hope you liked it, if you have any suggestions, let me know, I would appreciate it. You guys have no idea how much every little read and vote means to me. Thanks a ton to anyone who has read this.  I going to start the next chapter now, peace out.



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