Chapter Nine - Cailee

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Heyy :D Sorry for the slow updates. Go fan @eikooc like, right now. Talkin to her as I write this. Okay, This is dedicated to @JustColor because her Fan Fic is so amazing I can't even-- THERE IS NO WORDS!!! Mmm kay, Here goes. For some certain "slow" people *cough* Lauren *cough*, this is Cailee's POV. Sorry for any speeling, [heheheh] grammar, etc. mistakes. Enjoy!!!

     The cabin lined up behind Will Solstice for dinner. There was lots of chaos, but among it all, I saw Michal and Stacey. I wasn't sure when they had gotten home... We all filed into the pavilion and took our seats at the Apollo table. The Ares cabin still wasn't here--they were probably off fighting somewhere. The Athena cabin was just taking their seats, but I couldn't see Annabeth. Percy was also missing.

     I looked around, trying to see him. Maybe he ran off with Annabeth somewhere. And that was when I heard the scream.

     Everyone quieted down immediately and looked toward the beach--it had come from that direction. Suddenly, people were out of their seats and sprinting towards the source of the noise before I could even react. I got up quickly and followed. 

      I must have a tendency to slam into people, because I did.... again. Looking up, I saw Dallin, my half brother. The whole camp had stopped running, and was now staring at someone. Dallin offered me his hand, and I took it. Peering over the heads of the campers, I saw three people on the beach. One I recognized as Annabeth, and one must be Percy. But the third.....

     I pushed through the crowd. Percy picked up the girl lying on the ground and began walking her back toward the campers. Suddenly Will was by his side, and when he saw who the girl was, his face had a shocked, yet joyful expression on it.

     That was when it hit me. She was wearing a purple shirt. Her brown hair was a mess, and I couldn't see her blue eyes, but I knew who it was. 

     It was Lauren.

[A/N: I was going to end it right there, but I think all my chapters are short enough...]

L***I***N***E***B***R***E***A***K***Cuz I'm creative :] L***I***N***E***B***R***E***A***K***

    My dinner laid untouched in front of me. Lauren was back, and Chiron expected me to eat! Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and began to walk toward the Big House where Lauren was resting. I stopped at the head table and quickly discussed it with Chiron. He let me go, which meant he must realize how much Lauren means to me. 

     A few minutes later, I was searching the Big House for Lauren. I was checking the infirmary and all the sick rooms. Come to find out she was laying on the living room couch. Only I am special enough to not notice something like that.

     Jessica had taken care of her well. I don't want to describe what her body had looked like. Now, it seemed like she had just been trampled by a water buffalo, not a whole herd. Her eyes fluttered open as I sat on the couch at her feet.

     I knew she wouldn't be able to talk very much, if she could at all, but I still told her, "Tell me what happened."

     Her eyes closed again, and I couldn't help but notice how shallow her breathing was. She managed, "Snow, Cailee. There was so much snow." 

     Tears stung my eyes. "It's okay," I whispered. "Everything will be okay."

     She nodded and her eyes slipped closed. Her breathing became more steady, and withing the minute, she was asleep.

Guys, I am so sorry my chapters are this short. Like, I feel horrible. But thanks for reading, you extremely few people that do <3 LAUREN, UPDATE!!!!!! Thanks again, and I need characters!! Tell me if you want one. Or at least give me some name ideas! Kaythanksbye,

                                                        ~Razzmatazz [Once again, long story...]

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