Chapter Twelve - Jessica

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Heyy :D I just wanna say thanks for reading. Like, I love you all a ton. This story is moving really slow, and will take up a lot of chapters. I guess I'll just deal with it. Once again, it's all gonna be improv x) I'll go back and edit when and if I finish. So yeah... This is Jessica's POV, and she plays a pretty important role in this book. She's like... Cailee's best friend... So yeah...

Jessica: "So yeah..." You are so awkward -.-"

Me: SUE ME!!!

Jessica: If I belonged to Rick--"

Me: YOU DON'T!!! I OWN YOU. Rick just ownes everything else.... My precious camp.... My home.... My Percabeth... They c-can't do it!! *breaks down into tears*

Percy: Umm.... We're right here... 

Me: What are you doing here?? You're alive!! :D

Annabeth: Our fans were dying slowly from the inside out. How could we not come back?

Me: I don't know, tell that to Rick.

Guys, I am seriously dying waiting. My poor Percabeth. We are a little over halfway through the wait. We can do this!! *breaks down into tears... again*

Jessica's POV

    Will had the cabin up and ready for breakfast... And were were actually a few minutes early. We decided to just go sit down. As everyone filed out the door, I looked for Cailee since I usually sat with her. She wasn't in the crowd. I turned back to the cabin and glanced at her bed. Nothing. Well, if she wasn't there then... Where was Lauren??

     I scanned my half-siblings walking towards the pavilion. Lauren wasn't with them. That's when I began to panic. I ran a list places she could be through my head. There's no way she'd be gone again, right? And that was when I saw her. She was curled up on her bed, twitching a little. I breathed a sigh of relief. She had just managed to sleep through all the commotion.

     But where was Cailee?

     I walked over to her bed, touching her shoulder lightly. Her eyes shot open and she yelped, flailing around trying to get my hand off of her.  I stepped back and waited for her to calm down. Soon, her breathing returned to normal, and she slumped against the wall.

     "Hey," I said quietly.

     She nodded her head, obviously out of energy.

     "Bad dream?" I asked, though I knew the answer.

     Tears filled her eyes. "Yeah," she muttered.

     I nodded, letting her gather her wits. I knew not to press for answers with dreams.

Finally I stood up and offer her my hand. She took it and I pulled her on her feet. "Take your time," I said, turning to walk out the door. I paused as I was shutting it. "You don't happen to know where Cailee is, do you?"

     She shook her head, suddenly a little more alert. "Wh- Where is she?"

     "Umm... That's what I'm trying to figure out." I could see the panic rising in her eyes. "But," I quickly continued. "I think I know where to find her. Just stay here, she'll come get you before breakfast."

     "No!" Lauren cried. "Please don't leave me!"

     My heart cracked a little. "Okay," I whispered, tears brimming in my eyes. "come with me."

     Lauren shuffled out of bed and over to the door, not bothering to change out of her pajamas. They'd be okay, I guess. She was wearing bright green running shorts with a yellow tank top. Leave it to Apollo's kids to wear all the bright clothes. They actually looked really good on her, and her brown hair was braided down her back, so it could pass for taken care of.

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