Chapter 6 - Capture The Flag :)

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Heyy :D This chapter will be in a few different POVs, introducing a new one. It's Capture The Flag. Duh. And I PROMISE this will be where the main plot starts to unfold. I'm not promising like last chapter, I'm promising like a real promise. SOOOOO. . . Don't let me waste your time and bore you to death.

Hades: Did someone say death?                

Me: No one's going to die. Sorry. At least not yet.

Hades: Awwww. . .Rick would make sure lots of people died.

Me: . . .

Lauren's POV

    There was excitement in the air as everyone prepared for Capture The Flag. Travis and Connor Stoll, being the great head-counselors they are, forgot to make an alliance with a team. So naturally, they had begged Annabeth. She had naturally rejected them.

     I had come to camp and been claimed by Apollo five days before the Titan War, and was so untrained that I'm surprised I didn't die. But I almost had.

      At the very beginning of the war, a hell hound had came out of no where, probably shadow travelling, and sliced my back. If Annabeth hadn't been fighting near me, I would have died. All I remember is her picking me up and carrying me over to a pegasus, and that's when I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in the Plaza Hotel. I owed Annabeth my life, just as so many people had. I had no idea how she kept up with everything and deal with all the stress, but I could use a few lessons from her.

     I came crashing back to reality (which was something I hated, I was a dreamer) when Chiron stomped his hoof of the dining pavilion floor. The demigods fell silent. "I have been informed," he began, "That the teams for Capture The Flag will be Ares, Poseidon, Hermes, Hades (Nico was here), Apollo, Nemesis, and Dionysus on red VS. Athena, Hecate, Demeter, everyone else, etc. on blue.

     People nodded in agreement. "Well then in that case, take your positions, and may the best team win."


Alex's POV

Capture the flag? Bring it. I was so pumped for this. We were so going to win! Honestly, with Athena, Demeter, Hecate, and all the other minor gods, what could possibly go wrong? Nothing. And of course I would be against Cailee. We were REALLY competitive, even as little fourth graders. She had told me about her lessons with Annabeth this morning [A/N: Yeah, that was a while ago, but Annabeth was teaching her to use a knife better] and apparently Annabeth had almost been gutted, and Cailee came back with a few good scratches.

     She was going down.

     Our team gathered around Annabeth as she explained our plan and positions. I really didn't have one specific spot I was supposed to go, but she said probably border patrol or defense. I nodded and put on my blue plumed helmet.

     Five minutes later, the conch shell sounded, and the game began. The forest went eerily quiet, and I was just about to cross the boundary to go check out what was going on, but someone beat me to it.

     There was a flash of gold, green, and purple. I knew it was Cailee and two other people, and expected them to stop, but they didn't, which surprised me. After a moment, I sprinted after them.

     Let's just say Cailee can run FAST. Within seven seconds, she was a fair distance ahead of her companions, one of which I identified to be Percy. The girl in purple bolted to one side with a flash of brown hair, disappearing into the trees. Good thing our flag was the other way.

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