Chapter Eight - Percy

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Heyy :D Wait, why am I smiling?!?!? I am having a crazy fangirl attack. Watching HP and looking at PJO on pinterest. On my gosh, the end of the fourth HP. NO BRO THE FEELS!!! But not as much as Percabeth. . . Speaking of Percabeth. . . Hope you enjoy! Not as fluffy as @percabeth1343 's story, but hey, just go read hers. Which she should update. . . anyways! Read on, and believe in them. They have each other <3 THEY CAN (AND WILL) KICK SOME TARTARUS BUTT!!!!

    I sat alone in the Poseidon cabin, just thinking, which is rare for me. We had stopped searching for Lauren yesterday  when we found the snow. It was all just too much. Cailee refused to go back to her cabin, and Alex volunteered to stay and watch her. She just sat in the forest--sobbing her heart out. I knew this was hard on her.  Lauren was like her little sister. She couldn't just disappear. 

    Yes, yes she could. I told my self. We are demigods. Things like this happen all the time.

     But I still found it hard to believe. Cailee had lost two sisters in the past two months. I didn't know how she could deal with it.  She really was one of the strongest people here--maybe not physically, but mentally for sure.

     I was shaken from my thoughts when there was a knock on the door. I looked up to see Jessica, Cailee's half-sister, enter the room. She looked like she had been crying. 

     "Hi," She muttered. "Dinner's in thirty minutes. Chiron didn't know where you were and wanted me to tell you. Just so you know."

     "Thanks," I said, standing up. "Hey, look. . .I'm. .  Sorry about Lauren."

     She shook her head. "This isn't your fault. Or Annabeth's. You're all too hard on yourselves."

    "But it is! Were were the last ones with her! I should have paid attention when she ran off..." I sighed. "Thanks, Jess. See you at dinner."

     She nodded and shut the door. I watched her walk away out the window, and felt something tear inside of me. With nothing else to do, I walked over to the fireworks beach--remembering when I was here with Annabeth on the Fourth of July. I stretched out and laid down in the sand, closing my eyes. I don't know how long I laid there, but soon I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

     "Hey, Seaweed Brain." I pulled Annabeth down next to me and put my arm around her.

     "Hi," I murmured, hugging her tightly.

     She pulled away after a minute and looked me in the eye. "Lauren's not gone." She said, her voice full of hope. "She has to be somewhere."

     I stared off into the setting sun. "I hope so. I really do. But... how could she not be gone?"

     Annabeth shook her head. "Not sure, but she couldn't just... disappear, right? I mean, unless a god or something was after her."

     I paused. Why would a god be after Lauren? "Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see." I stood up, and offered Annabeth a hand. She took it and began to walk towards the dining pavilion. I pulled her the other way--towards the water.

    "What are you..." Her voice trailed off as she struggled to get out of my grip. I held on tighter, a grin spreading across my face. People just didn't know how to have fun anymore. By now, Annabeth was sprouting some pretty creative language, but I didn't care. I have dragged half carried her down the dock, and jumped into the water--pulling her with me. She opened her eyes underwater and glared at me. I, using my awesome godly powers, made an air bubble around us.


     I shrugged and grabbed her waist as she tried to swim out of the bubble. Forcing her to turn and look at me, her eyes softened a little. "Sorry," I muttered, letting her go. I looked down, and expected her to leave, but instead, I felt her lips on mine. When we broke apart for air, she grinned. 

     "You're forgiven."

     I smiled up at her. "Good." And with that, I popped the bubble, leaving us to swim up to the surface the old-fashioned way. When my head popped out of the water, I swam back to the shore with Annabeth. Just as my feet could touch the ground, I saw someone on the beach stumble and fall... and not move again.

Not much time for an authors note, but thanks Lauren, Spell Check, etc etc. not my best work.... sorry. Please comment and let me know how I did--means a lot <3 KAYTHANKSBYE Sorry for the shortness....


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