Chapter Ten - Corrin

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Heyy :D Sorry for the slow updates.... Blame the lawnmower. Yes, for those of you who do not know, I was recently in a fight with a lawnmower.... and I lost. So yeah.... This is Corrin's POV, because when it's really just a lot of people talking, I might do her sometimes. It would keep the writing less opinionated... Know what I mean??  Ooh! Go fan orsumfenix!!! Or at least read her story... She's awesome :D Anyways, enjoy!

Corrin: Oh, so you just decide to bring me in because you have no other point of view to use?

Me: Well, your POV is special like that...

Corrin: And why is that??

Me: .......You're dead.

Corrin: Okay, so now you're gonna judge me because I'm not alive? Rick Would never do that!


Corrin: Ha! You admitted it!!!

Me: ....Just shut up and narrate the story.

    The meeting was held in the Big House around the Ping-Ping table. I honestly think Connor Stoll and I were the only ones to ever use it to play Ping-Pong. I had a thing with projectiles, including Ping-Pong balls. I knew Connor had liked me and was trying to get up the courage to ask me out, but then the Titan War came along, and small things like that were put aside.

     Anyways, the head counselors gathered around the table, chatted among themselves, made nachos, argued--you know, all the normal stuff. Lauren and Cailee had also tagged along, seeing as we were here for Lauren, and Lauren felt most comfortable with Cailee. After a few more minutes, Chiron decided to call the meeting to order. Drew didn't look happy, apparently she had been flirting with Alex in the corner, which kinda pissed me off. I think Cailee would have helped, but Lauren wouldn't let her leave her side. Alex looked relived as he slipped into the chair next to Cailee. She nudged his elbow, glanced at Drew, and smirked. His face went red and her began to argue, but Chiron interrupted. 

     "Quiet please, thank you. Uhh, Clovis? Clovis? Nevermind, just let him sleep. Okay, we are here because of Lauren. As I'm sure you all know (You better know), she was recently missing, and found even more recently. We don't want her to have to keep repeating herself, so we will have her tell the story once and once only today." He turned to Lauren. "Mind telling us exactly what happened?" He asked.

     Lauren's face paled. "I-I don't--"

     Cailee, bless her soul, saved her. "She's not exactly sure," my sister lied. I could see why. Lauren was probably scared to death of what had happened. I had seen some of it. I didn't want to describe it. The poor child would be scarred for life--no matter how hard she tried to forget. "She was knocked out for most of it."

     Chiron nodded, like this did not surprise him. "But if you can remember any of it--"

     Lauren stood up abruptly. "Look," she said, her voice firm. "Let's just forget about this whole thing. It-it's nothing." Her voice cracked at the end, and I felt a wave of sympathy. She was only eleven. I didn't know how she could handle all this. I would have broken down long ago. "So," she continued. "Why don't we all go to the campfire, have a sing-along, and wake up in the morning with this out of our minds." 

     I could tell she was hiding all her fear. Everyone else could sense it, too, and she noticed. 

     "Guys, demigods go missing all the time. I was probably kidnapped by a monster, and then--"

     "Well then, how'd you get back?" Clarisse demanded.

     Lauren shook her head. "I'm not sure, but demigods have done crazy stuff haven't they? We defeated the Titans, Thalia was a pine tree, the actual Golden Fleece is in the same pine tree now-"

     "Okay, okay," She relented. "But still..."

     This time it was Chiron that cut her off. "I'm sure Miss Nelson [A/N: Lauren's last name in this book] has a fair amount of luck and skill. I believe she is quite right in the fact that we should call it a night and head over to the campfire. Get to bed early, because you all have major training tomorrow." 

     And with that, the meeting adjourned. 

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    Cailee and Lauren skipped the campfire. They were in the Apollo cabin just laying on their beds. I had followed. I knew they couldn't see me, but I laid on my old bed below Cailee's anyways. No one had touched it. No one else slept in it. Maybe because we hadn't gotten a single new camper since Lauren. I wasn't sure why, seeing as many other cabins were beginning to overflow. 

      Cailee looked over at Lauren, and said with a firm voice, "What really happened?"

     Without looking over, she replied as her eyes filled with tears. "Snow. There was so much snow, Cailee."

Hi guys! Soooooo sorry for the late update! I had a lawnmower issue, a seizure, and a family member trip and injure their arm -.-"  Well, everything's legit now. Thanks a ton to Lauren, as usual, and anyone else who reads. Hope you enjoyed, sorry for any spelling/grammar problems, etc etc. Bye!!! 


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