Chapter Sixteen - Alex

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Heyy :D Sorry I haven't updated in forever. Hope you like it!

Alex's POV

    "Cailee, come on. You know that you won't be able to handle it by yourself. And you know that you won't be able to sneak out without getting caught."

     She glared at me, stuffing some ambrosia into a back pack. "Shut up."

     I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Cailee! You can't do this alone. At least ask for a quest. Please."

     She rolled her eyes. "Really, Alex? You think I'd go alone?" Cailee disappeared into the bathroom for a moment, and when she came back out, she crossed to her bed again and said, "You're going with me."

     I choked on my own spit, causing her to smirk. When I had recovered enough to breathe, I gave her a look as if she was insane... which she probably was.

     Her face took on a pleading look, and she walked over to me. I stood up, and realized we were about the same height. 

     Well this is awkward.

     "Please. Go with me." Her voice held so much desperation, hope, and despair all at the same time. I wondered how that was even possible. "Please."

     I didn't know what to say, so I went with, "Why?", which was probably the most stupid thing I could say.

     She glared at me. "Do I really have to name all the reasons? Let's see... I protected you for years from the monsters and the harsh reality. I-"

     "I didn't need protection! I was just fine without it!"

     Her eyes took on a dangerous look. "Really? Didn't you ever notice the golden dust lying around in places you often were? Didn't you ever see how exhausted Corrin and I constantly were, how we mysteriously vanished at random moments, how we always seemed to be holding something back?" Her voice rose. "DID YOU EVEN CARE ALEX? DID YOU?"

     I was stunned.

     Had I really been this stupid? How had I not noticed these things were connected. Sure, I thought some strange things had happened, but I didn't think they were all connected. I didn't realize my two best friends had saved my life hundreds of times. Did I really miss all this?

     "Cailee, I... I didn't think that- that you- that Corrin..." I was at a total loss for words.

     She turned her back to me, but not before I noticed her eyes were watering. "That's what I thought. Our actions were unappreciated. You didn't even care that Corrin risked her life for you every day, then you just turned your back on her and her family- our family- and went to join Luke. You could just leave us so easily, not caring that we saved you from everything. Unlike Luke, you'll die a traitor. You've never even apoligized for what you've done."

     Her words stung. A lot. But I managed to find something to say. "Cailee, I know what I've done in the past was wrong, but I'm here to stay now. I'm sorry for fighting against you, for-"


     What the Hades was she talking about!? "Cailee, I don't-"

     "I know you don't know." her voice was soft now, and she slumped against the wall, burying her face in her hands. "That's the worst part." 

     I walked over to her, setting my hand on her shoulder and sliding down to sit on the floor next to her. "Maybe if you would tell me. I'd be able to apoligize, and we could forget it. Cailee, what is it that I've done?"

     "I..." Her eyes were focused on the ground, and her face somehow held no emotion. "Do... do you really not know?"

     I shook my head. "But I'm sorry for whatever it is."

      Her voice took on an edge again. "You sicken me, acting like there's no problem. Alex, it was your fault. Everything." And with that, my best friend stood up, and walked out of her cabin door, but not without knocking over an electric keyboard first. 

     I wasn't even sure what to think.


*Later That Day*

    "Rachel!" I called, peeking into her totally sweet cave in the hills.

     "Come in!" she yelled, somewhere in another room.

     I entered, careful not to step on any paintings that were scattered across the floor. I recognized some of the scenes from them.

     One was of the Titan war, an army of hellhounds, giants, demigods, and other various monsters advancing on a small group of half-bloods. Some had terrified expressions on their faces, not knowing if they would live to see another day. Some of them hadn't.

     And I helped kill them.

     I averted my eyes from the art work as a wave of guilt rushed over me. I had to forget that. To forgive myself.

     "Alex?" Rachel glanced at him from around a corner, than rushed forward to hug him. "You haven't talked to me in a long time! I've missed you!"

     I sighed, pulling her into me. Rachel had always understood, maybe because she knew what it felt like to be the outcast too.

     She pulled away and offered me a seat on the couch, which I gratefully accepted. "So what's up?" She asked, still smiling.

     I shook my head. "Cailee. She's really mad at me, but I don't know why. I did something, Rachel, but she refuses to tell me what it is, so I don't know how we can move on."

     "When you said we... Alex, are you and Cailee dating?"

     My head jerked up. "No! I mean, I was going to ask her eventually, but..."

     Rachel smiled. "Try and do it sooner next time. You guys still haven't realized that you're perfect for each other."

     "First of all, no. Second of all, there might not be a next time. Whatever happened, she was mad. I don't even know what she'll do next. Since the war, she hasn't been the same. She's reckless and unpredictable, and if I don't go with her, I'm worried she'll get herself killed. I mean, if she were to-" It was then that I realized what I said.

     Rachel was grinning. "I knew she'd go."

     "Don't tell anyone. Please. If she's forced to come back, it'll only make it worse."

     "Then go after her. She needs your help. Oh and Alex, one more thing. I was wondering-"

     "Alex?" I could hear Percy's voice as he ran into the cave. "Cailee. Where is she?"

     I stood up. "She's not in camp?"

     When Percy shook his head, I swore. "Come on, cover for me while I get ready to leave. I'm going after her."

     For a moment, I thought he was going to say no, but then he seemed to remember something and nodded. "Let's go."

And thus, the story ends. It's far from over, but it doesn't need to be written down to be real for me. So thanks to all my wonderful readers, and to Lauren, who was my only friend and supporter for a while. Without her, this story would not exist.

Continue to write if that's what you enjoy. Create and love to read. I wish each and every one of you the best.

Hope you all live to do amazing things.


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