Chapter Fourteen - The Nachos/Annabeth

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At least Rick doesn't own my nachos 0_0 And, if that picture on the side works, I find that extremely hilarious. Just so you know.

    That weird horse man just brought me out of the nacho heater. He has an addiction to nachos, but I don't think anyone knows. Mainly because he eats us in the dead of night when no kids ever come in here. 

     Suddenly, the door came flying open, and guess what?? Kids came in here. The first one was an attractive, dark-skinned girl with long, black hair. I recognized her as Jess. Shortly after her,  a guy with sandy blonde hair and warm, brown eyes, and another girl with weird hair, I wasn't sure what color, but it was pretty messy. She seemed to be shaking with sobs, and the guy had his arm around her. I knew them! They were Cailee and Alex.

     Awww... Young love...

     Pretty soon, we had a whole crowd. I had never seen the campers this silent. Jess was the only one that was talking. Chiron had a grim expression on his face, but I saw his eyes flicker back over to me for a moment.

      Jess finally paused to take a breath, and then gestured to Cailee. Shakily, she wiped her eyes and stepped away from Alex, taking a deep breath. She then began some long story about a dream. Okay, maybe it wasn't long, but then again, neither is the life of a nacho. By the time she finally finished, she was in tears again, and an Aphrodite guy was crying, too. Like, full out sobbing. I'm assuming he must have been the girl who went missing's boyfriend.

     Jess walked up to him and put an arm around his shoulders. She muttered something to him, and he just nodded and sat down on the couch. I really did like that Chloe girl that was gone. She was super cute, and really nice to everyone, always with a bright smile on her face, no matter how horrible the situation was. Or at least that's what the other nachos said. How they know that, I have no clue.

     Other campers were freaking out, while some were standing silently with their heads down. Lou Ellen from the Hecate cabin whispered something to one of her siblings, looking depressed. Cailee burst into a fresh wave of tears.

     "Come on," Chiron said. "Let's discuss this over nachos, shall we?"

[A/N: Okay, that't the end of the nacho's POV... They're dying slowly now]


Annabeth's POV


      This was the most crowded meeting we've ever had. The ping-pong table was full, and I couldn't help but think about how Corrin and Connor Stoll used to be the only ones to use it. They would honestly sit here for hours at a time, and I could hear their laughter and screams of victory from outside the Big House. Love was always a touchy subject for me, but I truly do think that is what was between them. They were always so happy together, but always best friends.

     Then the war came. Little things like that were shoved aside, and we were all just fighting - trying to survive, knowing one wrong move could kill us all. It was hard on everyone, but somehow Cailee and Connor just kept laughing. They kept smiling. They kept the spirits of Camp up. By then, I'd even gone as far as to say they were in love. It really did make me wonder about Percy...

     But Corrin's life was cut short. She had a hero's fate. She was cursed, just as most of the people here would most likely be. Most of us wouldn't live to be twenty. The thought depressed me, and I almost went into a whole new world of feeling sorry for these amazing people sitting around me. Percy took my hand and smiled half-heartedly at me. "You okay?" he asked.

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