Mine. 16

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As you got ready to leave for the date, Elizabeth helps you with your makeup, You then started to hear many noises and commotion coming from out the door. "Who is that?" You thought to yourself while closing your eyes so she could apply the eyeshadow.

"I'll be back y/n, I really gotta pee."

"Alright no problem." She goes into the bathroom that's attached to the guest room you both are in then closes the door. You took this opportunity to see what was causing all this noise. You slowly opened the door and heard voices.

"You think she knows?... and she's here for revenge?"


"Would you keep your voice down? What if she can hear you right now?"

"Honey. She can't. Anyways I doubt she knows about you accidentally killing her sister. She wouldn't be here if that was the case." Your heart immediately felt like it stopped... as if it were about to burst out your chest. You kept wondering if you heard that correctly? Or was your mind playing tricks on you like it always does?

"This is why you need to stop drinking honey. I felt so bad for her..." She felt bad? Does she know how much pain her husband caused me? Wait... realization starts to hit me that this is Elizabeth's parents... my bests friend's father... was the drunk driver...

who killed my sister?

You heard the bathroom door starting to open causing you to quickly close the door and sit on the chair.

"Alright I'm backkk, and I got something for you y/n. Guess what it i- what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost..."

"I'm fine..." You looked at your arm seeing the faded marks on them. It's really been awhile since I've done self harm... I'm proud of myself.

"Tell me."

"I'm fine really..." She glares at you which causes you to speak. "Well... remember the day I lost Mariah?"

"Yeah... I felt so hurt for you."

"Can you tell me what that day was like... from your point of view?" You just needed to know... that she doesn't know it was her dad.

"Well... to be honest with you y/n I was crying that day." Crying? "The day before that... my dad told and promised me that he was going to stop drinking... and that he promised to take me to school that day. So I woke extremely excited. Got ready then looked all over the house for him... he wasn't there nether was my mom. I cried... I don't know where they went or what they had to do... But then hearing devon call me and say Mariah died... That day is just too much to remember." She doesn't know... I think I should keep it that way... she would be too heartbroken and feel guilty if she knew.

"I just wanted to hear from your point of view... I didn't know that happened to you Elizabeth... why don't you ever tell me these things?"

"I want everyone to think that I'm fine... and that my life is perfect. Not be known as the girl who needs help."

"I get exactly what you mean... oh! What did you want to show me?" You looked at the gift bag she had in her hands then got excited.

"I don't think it's appropriate... you know given the conversation we just had..."

"Elizabeth just show me!" She gives you the gift bag then you began to open it seeing a beautiful black handbag. "Elizabeth this is beautiful! Why did you think this wasn't appropriate?"

"Just look inside y/n..." You looked in the bag seeing a black two piece lingerie causing you to gasp.

"A LINGERIE?" She quickly covers your mouth and you quickly slap her hands away.

My Guardian Angel. | EJ.Where stories live. Discover now