Chapter 1

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Your ears are ringing, your vision is pitch black. You feel nothing. Hear nothing. It feels like an eternity passes. Very slowly something comes into focus. A city? Seems like it.

Then you realize you can feel the wind blowing. Maybe a little to hard?
You finally start to get your bearings. What’s this feeling? You swear you’ve felt it before on a smaller level. Almost like you’re falling?


Yup, definitely falling. You can’t even hear yourself scream over the sound of the wind. The ground rapidly approaching, you make an attempt to brace yourself.

BOOM! You hit the ground, hard. Somehow not dead.

Y/N: Owwwww. What the fuck even.

You crawl out of the crater you made. What you see confuses shocks you. Demons, a red sky, set to a normalish looking city.
You walk up to the nearest person and ask

Y/N: Hey, uh where exactly am I?

R/D: Uhhhh, hell? You’re in hell. You reek of the living world too.

Y/N: Wait….I’m dead? Last thing I remember is getting some drinks….

R/D: You aren’t the first or last person to have some amnesia about how you died. It may or may not come to you. Not that I give a shit.

They say as they walk off. You start trying to process everything. How did you die? Why? Was it an accident or on purpose? No matter how hard you try you can’t remember.

Y/N: Well, no sense in moping about here. Might as well try and get a job and place to live. I sure as hell don’t want to be homeless in well, hell.

You wander around aimlessly for a bit. You’re lost and unsurprisingly most people meet any question with a “fuck off” or just ignoring you.

You see a billboard that has some….questionable grammar. It has a demon with long horns with red/black stripes. You see a number on the bottom and give it a call.

R/D: I.M.P., the fuck do you want?

Y/N: I uh, saw a billboard for a job opening.


You hear some indiscriminate shouting before someone speaks up

Blitzo: Helloooo! You found the ol billboard did ya? Tell me, you have any experience killing?

Y/N: What? No?

Blitzo: Hmmmmm. Ever fired a gun?

Y/N: Yeah sure. Handguns, rifles, shotguns. I’m pretty accurate too. As far as killing people, I guess I could if it paid enough.

Blitzo: FUCK IT YOUR HIRED! Come on by whenever!

*Click*. He’s hung up on you. Without telling you where the office is. You spend the next 2 hours asking for directions and finally, you make it. It’s a shitty, rundown building. But hey, money is money.

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