Chapter 9

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It's been 3 months now since you started dating Verosika. It's been amazing. You two have become closer, and it's been the best part of your unlife.

She comes over to your house almost nightly now. You cook for her and watch movies together. Your quiet nights together are great.

It's a nice day out, you look forward to walking today. You head out towards the office. The usual sound of gunfire and screaming happening.

You reach the building, seeing Moxxie and Mille. "Hey you two! Long time no see!" Millie gets a huge goofy smile while Moxxie has a smaller smile.

"Hey Y/N! How ya been?" She asks. "Great! Work is good, personal life is good, I'm the happiest I've been since I got here!"

Moxxie chuckles "It wouldn't have anything to do with, oh idk, Verosika?" He's clearly picking on you. "Good guess Mox! And here I thought I was being so sneaky with my feelings!"

Both Mille and Moxxie laugh. "Well, we gotta get in. Busy say today. See ya Round Y/N!" Millie says while dragging Moxxie away.

You head to the elevator and head up. "Morning everyone!" You say walking into the studio. "Hey Y/N, what's up?" Josh gives you a fist bump as you walk in. "Same shit different day man!"

You take some time talking to everyone. You feel someone wrap their arms around you and push themselves close to you. "You didn't forget about saying hi to me did you?"

You smile and turn around to see Verosika. You give her a quick kiss "Of course not V. I would never." She laughs and holds you tightly for a few moments.

"Ok, time to get to work!" She says pulling away. She heads into the recording booth and gets setup. "I always love seeing her work on new material."

Kiki giggles next to you "My my, you really do like her quite a bit. Maybe you care for her even more than you let on?" You blush like crazy "Aha, I'm not sure yet. I like her a lot, but I'm not sure if it's love yet."

Kiki smiles at you "Well, It's clear how much she feels about you. I've never seen her this happy." You've not put a lot of thought into it. You're happy with how things are.

But how do you feel? Is there more to it? Maybe you should take some time and really think about it. You look at her in the recording booth. You feel your heart race.

You get lost in her voice. Every word directing your full attention to her. It sounds smoother than usual. You feel like you did the first time you saw her.

Frozen. Enthralled. Everything around you ceased to be important. You finally snap out of it, breathing heavily. "I uh, I'm gonna step out for a moment. I need some air."

You turn and leave without waiting for a response. As you walk out the front door, you lean on the wall and pull a cigarette out. "How do I feel, huh?" You mutter while lighting it.

You take a drag from it. "I guess I should really think about how serious this relationship is to me." You think. "Hey Y/N, you doing ok?" You look over and see Verosika.

You're happy to see her, but with all these questions in your head you're unsure what do say. "Hey V, I uh, I'm doing good." She frowns at this.

"It sure as hell doesn't seem like that. Be honest with me." You can't tell her. Not yet. You need time to think and figure things out.

"I'm just going through some stuff. Have some real important things to think about. I promise I'll tell you when after I think about it a bit."

You kiss her forehead and she sighs. "Ok, I trust you. Please don't betray my trust." You nod and head back in. The rest of the day goes normally.

Just Friends? (Male x Verosika)Where stories live. Discover now