Chapter 12

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It's been two and a half years since your first purge. You've since moved in with Verosika. She's currently on a hiatus from performing, so you spend a lot of time with her.

Every day has been pure bliss. You made plans to see Moxxie today. You grab your phone and call him. "Hey Mox, we still meeting up today?"

He responds immediately "Hello Y/N! We most certainly are. I can meet you in 15 minutes if that works?" You smile to yourself "Yeah Mox, that sounds great. See ya soon."

You get off the couch and starts walking to the door. "Hey babe, where are you off to?" You hear Verosika ask from behind. You turn red "Oh! Uh, hi sweetie. Just gonna meet up with Moxxie for a bit. Have a guys day."

She giggles "Oh, you haven't turned that red for awhile. Have fun, but not too much" She teases. You roll your eyes and kiss her. "I'll be back in a couple hours V. Love you!"

She smiles at you "I love you too." You head out to meet Moxxie. You make your way to a small, surprisingly quite Café. You walk in and take a seat.

After a few minutes Moxxie walks in. "Hello Y/N! It's nice to see you. But why did you need to see me so suddenly?" He asks. You clear your throat "It's great to see you too Mox! It's about my relationship with Verosika."

Moxxie cuts you off "Is everything ok?" He sounds worried. You smile "Yeah, everything's great. Never better actually! I uh, was wondering how you proposed to Millie. Like how did you know it was the right time?"

Moxxies eyes go wide "Are you saying you plan to propose to Verosika?" You turn bright red "I think so man. I really care about her a lot and want to spend the rest of my life with her."

Moxxie smiles warmly at you "It sounds to me like you've already made your mind up. If you want I can take you to where I got Millie her ring."

You nod at his offer "That'd be awesome Mox! Let's go do this." You both get up and head to the jewelry store. You look through the rings trying to find a nice one that isn't too gaudy.

"Hmmmm. I want one that's kind of more reserved. No giant diamonds or anything." You say. It seems to be a difficult task as most of them are a bit much.

"What about this one?" Moxxie asks. You go over to where he is and take a look. You see a pretty ring with a silver band and a clear diamond in it. It's not huge like most of the other ones.

"I really like this one. It's perfect." You say. "Ah, that on will be $3000." Thankfully you've been saving up some money. "Sounds great! I'll take it!"

The demon rings up your purchase and you and Moxxie walk out. "Now I just need to figure out when and where to propose." Moxxie laughs a bit "That one I can't help with. Just do it when it feels right. There doesn't need to be some big event for it to happen."

You smile at him "Yeah. You're right! Thanks so much for all the help today Mox. I'll keep you updated!" He smiles back "Not a problem Y/N! I wish you the best!"

You part ways and you head back home. You start to brainstorm some romantic ways you could ask her. Take her on a fancy date? Walk on the beach? Nah, both are too cliche.

Oh! The idea hits you. You can make her a nice dinner an propose to her after! It's perfect! You get home and call out to Verosika "Hey babe, I'm home!"

You hear her call from the living room "Hey! Come in here and join me!" You laugh and walk to the living room. Verosika has some random drama on the TV.

"How was your day Y/N?" She asks as you sit down. "Productive! Moxxie helped me figure some stuff out. I'm really excited!" You smile at her.

She laughs a bit "Well you sure seem excited. Hey, what do you want to do for dinner?" This is the perfect opportunity already.

You can make her a nice dinner and pop the question after. "How about I make us something? Garlic rosemary chicken and potatoes?" She nods "Sounds great sweetie! I can't wait!"

You blush slightly "Yeah, me too." She notices this and narrows her eyes "You seem like you're up to something. I'm curious." You laugh awkwardly.

"I'm not going to confirm or deny anything." You tease. She crosses her arms and pouts "but dinner is so far away. What if I'm a really good girl, then can I know?"

She leans forward making her cleavage stand out. You gulp and turn even more red. You must resist her. "Nope, that won't work this time. You'll have to wait."

She sticks her tongue out at you "No fun." She jokes. You laugh and cuddle up to her. You both wind up falling asleep on the couch for a few hours.

When you wake up it's 5 pm. Time to start making the food. You carefully get up so that you don't wake her. You get to the kitchen and start getting the pots, pans, and seasoning ready.

You oil and season the potatoes and put them on the oven. You make a garlic sauce for the chicken and start to sear the chicken in a pan.

"That smells so good" You turn to see Verosika walking into the kitchen. You smile "I gotta go all out! It is for you after all." She smiles at you and gives you a hug.

"Well thanks. I appreciate you doing this." She says while kissing your cheek. "Go ahead and get some plates ready. It shouldn't be too long." You ask.

"Yeah, I can do that!" She walks away to get the table set. Dinner only takes a few more minutes for you to finish. You take the food out and set it on the plates, taking the time to make it look fancy. Verosika notices this "Wow, you're really going all out. What's the occasion?" she asks.  You simply look at her and say "What? I can't just go out of my way to make you a nice meal?"

She giggles a bit and kisses you "Of course you can silly. You've just seemed out of it lately." Shit. She isn't onto you is she? You sit down and start eating. "Wow, this is really good! Thanks for taking the time to make it babe." You smile and nod at her. "I've really been enjoying all this time we spend together. Sometimes it feels weird not working. But all that means is more time to do shit just the two of us."

Verosika turns red at hearing this "You're such a sweet talker. I'm really happy to be spending this time with you as well." You stare into her eyes. Fuck it. Now seems like the right moment. "Verosika. I've been thinking a lot about our relationship. Not just the now. About the future. About how much you mean to me." she stares at you silently. "Verosika. You mean everything to me. Dying was a small price to pay to meet you. And I want you to be in my life forever."

"Y/N what are you-" she starts to say. You get down on your knee and pull out a small box. You open the box "Will you marry me?" you ask. Verosika looks at you in stunned silence for a few moments before smiling. "I knew you had something on your mind. But I never expected this. Yes. Of course I will, you sappy fuck."

You start to tear up a little. You stand up and hug her tightly. After a moment you move away and put the ring on her finger. "It's pretty" she says. You laugh a bit "Just like the person wearing it." This makes her laugh. "Did you actually just say that? That's so cheesy! But that's what I love about you."

You share a passionate kiss and look into each others eyes. It's hard to believe that you could get so lucky. All the pain and bullshit of being in hell seems more tolerable with her. This is just the start of many years together. You couldn't be more excited.

                                                                              Authors note

Well, this be it folks. This thing is finally over. Thanks for making it this far and I hope I can write something even better for you all next time! This really was a huge undertaking for me. I had so many ideas and revisions throughout the story. I hope you all enjoyed my attempt at writing and I can't wait to start my next story!

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