Chapter 5

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It’s been 2 weeks and it’s time for a new concert. “Let’s go! We gotta head out in 10 minutes” Verosika yells at you. You finish loading the last box into the van and say “Chill out, it’s all done!”

You all hop in the van, with Vortex driving. “ We all good to go?” he asks. “Yeah, hit it” Verosika says. It’s a 2 hour drive to the venue. Verosika yawns and stretches. She then leans her head onto you.

“Hold still, I’m gonna use you as a pillow” she commands. You nod and she smiles. She quickly falls asleep on you. You haven’t had a chance to really see her this close before.

At the beach concert, you didn’t get a good look at her since you were so far away. She has beautiful long eyelashes. Her lips and skin look soft. Her hair is a pleasing shade of pink.

Not to mention her amazing figure. You decide to pop in your headphones and listen to some music. You’ve gotta do something to take your mind off her.
The time finally passes and you arrive.

Everyone files out while you try and wake Verosika up. “Hey” nothing. “Hey” louder but still nothing.  “Verosika were here” you say loudly, not quite shouting.

She stirrs a little then wraps an arm around you. “mmmmm five more minutes” she mumbles. You manage to eek out some sound that amounts to “Ok.”

Finally she wakes up and stretche. “Hey, thanks for being such a good pillow.” You take a deep breathe to calm down. “ Yeah, not a problem” you say calmly. She gets up and exits the van “Are you bitches ready for another show!”

You hear the rest of the crew say cheer with varying degrees of enthusiasm. “Hey Y/N, can you help us lift this?” you hear Milky ask. “Yeah! Be right there”.
You finally leave the van and help them carry the sound equipment inside.

Afterwards, Vortex goes over what doing  security will entail. “Ok, so just look intimidating and remove anyone who rushes the stage. Got it.”

“Yeah man, you got it. Show goes live in 5 so lets get in position.” Vortex says. You nod and move to your assigned spot. The crowd is already so loud. You try and brace yourself for when Versosika comes on stage.

The lights dim, the crowd cheers. The spotlights hit the stage, and smoke comes up from the floor. “Hey there imps and demons! You ready to get fucked up?”

The crowd cheers at a decibel so high yu swear you went deaf for a moment. She starts her set and you have to try hard not to watch her on stage. Her body movements, her voice, it’s almost too much.

You see a fan try to rush the stage and you clothesline him. Vortex laughs and drags the unconscious fan away. The rest of the concert went smooth. Afterwards you head backstage to meet everyone.

“Great show Verosika!” you say happily. She smiles “Thank you for taking care of that fan. Cute, dependable, and easy to pick on. I really hit the jackpot with you”

As she says that she places her hand on your chest and gets close to you. In a whispered voice “Don’t think I didn’t notice you trying to be sneaky and watch me perform”

This is it. You’ll die right here from embarrassment. Your heart is beating so hard right now. This time however, she doesn’t take back her compliments.

Your ears ring as you try and decide whether she really thinks you’re cute. “I’m gonna go change so we can leave. I hope you’re ready for the ride home, my pillow ~.”

You blush again as you laugh while walking to the van. “Hey Josh, how was the horns crowd nonsense?” Josh turns to you and happily says “Great! Verosika can stir up a crowd to a wild level”

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