Chapter 11

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You slowly wake up, feeling groggy. You look at your phone, it's 1 a.m. "Ugh, it's too fucking early." You groan. You notice some texts from Verosika.

*Y/N are you ready? It's about to start.*
*Y/N please answer me. It's already started.*
*I need to know you're safe.*

You're now fully awake. The purge. It's happening. You jump out of bed and grab your gun. Making sure it's loaded and ready. You can hear it now.

It sounds like pure chaos outside. Gunfire, explosions, screaming. Not that it's unusual for hell to sound like that. But this is.....more intense.

You respond call her and she picks up almost instantly. "Hey sweetie, I'm OK. I just slept in somehow." You try and reassure her.

"I've been trying to reach you for hours! I thought you might have been hurt! Maybe even dead!" She sounds on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry Verosika, I'm fine I promise." You feel awful making her worry. She sighs "It's fine. You're ok and that's what matters. Just lay low and be quiet."

You nod to yourself "Yeah last thing I need-" BOOM. Something hits your front door. Hard. It startled you and makes you drop your phone.

You ready your gun and point it at the door. It gets hit again. You sweat a little. Is it angels? Demons? You can hear Verosika trying to talk to you.

With one final loud crash your door flies off its hinges. Two demons walk through the door. Both are  armed with bats. You aim at the first demon and fire.

There's a shout and it hits the floor. The second one shouts "You're fucking dead bitch!". You stay quiet with your gun trained where you saw him last.

There's no windows or other ways out of the room he's in. The demon has to present itself as a target to do anything. You remain quiet, keeping your focus.

Time feels like it's moving slowly. After a few minutes the demon talks. "Hey, what's say you just let me walk out of here?"

You don't necessarily want to kill them. "I'll give you 30 seconds to fuck off." The demon immediately runs out the front door. You now have a fun new issue.

Your front door is gone. Your house is compromised. You grab your phone and speak. "Verosika, I need to leave. My front door was broken down and it's not safe here."

She sighs "Well you can try and make you're way to my place. Just be careful."
You Sar goodbye and hang up. Hopefully not for the last time.

You slowly peak out the door and what you see makes your stomach turn. Blood, bodies, destroyed buildings. People stealing and killing each other.

Some people being killed by angels. You felt like you were finally getting used to this place. But this is on a whole other level. You go back inside and grab some basic medical supplies and extra ammo.

You pull your phone out and open the map. It's only about a 20 minute walk there. But with the all the chaos outside, who knows how long it'll take. Or if you'll even make it.

You try and psych yourself up. You gotta do this. Both because you don't want to die, and you don't want to put Verosika through that.

You slowly make your way outside. The noise from the chaos is almost deafining. As you make your way to the street a demon jumps you and you shoot them.

"Fuck, that didn't take long" You say to yourself. You decide moving through the alleys would be safer. There's surprisingly few demons here. No ambushes or anything.

You've made it about half way to Verosikas place with no issue. The reality of this is still insane to you. This happens EVERY year? There has to be a better way.

Just Friends? (Male x Verosika)Where stories live. Discover now