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Kim Yu-jin

"I loved you but you loved her," the only words that managed to escape my mouth before I woke up immediately ending that horrid nightmare.

At least that's what I told myself.

I turned to my side and grabbed my phone looking at the time. It was only 5:30 in the morning. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes knowing very well that I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep again and got out of bed.

I decided to run a bath for myself instead of having a quick shower like I always do. A mixture of steam from the hot water and the scent of my coconut bath salts immediately filled up the bathroom in just a few seconds.

Just as I was about to get in, there was a knock on the door. Quickly putting my pajamas back on I left the bathroom and walked over to the door opening it.

"Good Morning Ms. Kim or should I say soon to be Mrs. Lee?" My personal assistant and one of my closest friends, Yoon Hye-ri smirked while slightly tilting her head to the side. "Come in Hye-ri." I rolled my eyes at her statement, slightly chuckling. She came in and I closed the door.

"What's up, is there anything wrong with any of my upcoming projects or the wedding planning?" I asked, not wasting time getting to my point. "Don't worry, everything is fine Yu-jin. I have everything under control," she said reassuring me.

"Then what's wrong, why do you seem so tense," I asked straightforwardly. She sighed heavily and said, "I'm not here as your personal assistant but as your best friend. I know you won't change your mind or anything on your father's decision but I just want to be sure that you're okay with this and that you're happy. After all, that's what best friends are for. Right?"

I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her neck sobbing silently. My father has arranged this marriage for me and me not wanting to disappoint him, I agreed. I tried to pretend that I was fine with this and even put on a smile for everyone but Hye-ri wasn't fooled. She saw through my lies. She was always the only one that has been able to.

Well, not only her.

She tried calming me down by gently tapping my back repeatedly. This only made me tighten the hug and we just stayed like that. Me crying and she consoling me.

It was already 9 in the morning and I was getting ready to go to the filming site for the script reading of my new drama, "If Love May Win".

I grabbed my phone and car keys from the kitchen counter and headed towards the door when I heard the crying. The baby crying.

Placing my handbag down on the counter I ran towards the nursery and picked her up from the cot. I cradled her in my arms and watched her as she made herself comfortable in my arms. I watched her opening and closing her eyes as I admired the beauty in them. She had his eyes. I'll never forget those eyes as she shared the same eyes with the man I once loved.

Lee Heeseung.

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