
22 2 0

Lee Heeseung

I missed an entire week of classes. I walked out of that cafeteria and got into my car and drove until I reached the family beach house. I stayed over there for the whole week, missing college in the process. I would've stayed longer if it wasn't for daddy f-ing dearest calling me back home, making me cut my f-ing vacation shorter.

For what, you ask.

Oh, it was nothing much really. He just wanted to introduce his new fiancé to my brother and I. That was f-ing fantastic.

It's literally only been two months since Eomma died and he already found someone new.

F-ing sick ba$tard.

I f-ing hate him so much.

It was lunch time and we all sat at our usual table in the cafeteria by the large window. No one bothered to take our table for them because they knew better.

Sunoo and Jake were arguing about something. Probably about who the prettiest girl on campus was. I swear that's all they know. I didn't bother to intervene because I didn't really care at all that much. Besides they were both wrong because if you had to ask me who the prettiest girl on campus is, I would say it's Yu-jin. There is no doubt about that. The girl was gorgeous. Her dark brown, almost black hair that cascaded down her waist. Those big brown eyes that had the slightest hint of green in them, you could never say no to those eyes. No one could compete with her beauty. That was a fact.

"Hey, my favorite cousin. I hope you don't mind if we sit with y'all." Hye-ri said enthusiastically, dragging her less enthusiastic best friend Yu-jin. She looked miserable.

What happened to her?

Hye-ri sat down beside Jay while Yu-jin sat next to me, not sparing me a single glance. Seriously, what happened to her? She didn't throw me any insults or dirty glances. This wasn't like her. She just sat with her head down, staring at her hands. Her hands were shaking. Not knowing what to do, I slipped my hands into hers under the table and f-. Her hands were cold.

She looked up at me. There was no scowl or sign of annoyance on her face. Just confusion. I mean, I was also confused. We were enemies. We hated each other. Hell, the only thing I ever felt for her was hatred. There was only a single moment in my entire life when I didn't hate her and that was the night when I saved her from Jun-ho. In that moment, I didn't feel hatred for her but pity.

Just like in this moment when my eyes landed on hers. Those beautiful brown eyes, with that subtle hint of green. The sight was so beautiful yet so sad.

And f- me because I felt my heart clench at the sight.

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