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Kim Yu-jin

"Miss Kim, Miss Yoon. You're late!" Professor Hong said while he was focused on the book in front of him.

Well, no shIt sherlock!

"We got lost, we are so sorry sir. We promise not to be late again," we lied through our teeth. We were of of course going to be late again in the future.

"I hope you two keep to your word, now take a seat," he carried on, still focused on the book in front of him.

There was only two seats available and they weren't even together. Hye-ri quickly ran to the free seat next to Jay, abandoning me. That girl, I swear she needs to confess to him before I do it for her.

The only seat that was left was the one next to Heeseung. I swear I never wanted to be buried anymore than I did right now in this moment. I walked towards him and took my seat next to him. That smirk on his face. I want to smack it off his handsome face.

Did I just say his face is handsome? What the hell is wrong with me.

My thoughts were interrupted by the devil himself, "Stop staring Yu-jinah. If you want me so badly, all you have to do is ask."

What's the sentence for murdering someone?

It's probably not that long, I'll take my chances in jail.

Before I could reply, Professor Hong shouted us for disrupting his class more like he disrupted our conversation not that I wanted to continue my conversation with Heeseung anyway. He was getting on my f-ing nerves.

Finally that class was over. Praying that I don't have to go through that again especially with Heeseung because god forbid I will actually stab him in the eye with my Gucci Heels.

The next few classes went by quickly and it was finally lunch time. The cafeteria was full. There wasn't a single empty table for me and Hye-ri to sit at.

Our eyes quickly scanned the entire cafeteria searching for an empty seat for each of us. "Yujinah and Hye-ri!! There's place over here if you want to join." I turned towards the owner and you wouldn't believe who it was.

That f-ing shoe without s, Ji-young. Lee Heeseung's ex girlfriend. She is certified shoe without s. I already said that, didn't I? Oh well, she is.

She flashed her fake veneers at us, gesturing for us to join her and her gang of plastics at her table.

Am I really that desperate for a seat that I'll sit with her?

Nope, never. I'd rather sit with Professor Hong than sit with her. Or even my brother in fact.

Where is he? Let me go look for him. I'm sure he won't mind me sitting with him.

Once again, I scanned my eyes looking for my brother until my eyes finally landed on f-ing Lucifer himself.

Lee Heeseung was flaunting his smirk at me.

God, I just want to smack him. Repeatedly.

"Hey cousin! There is place if you guys wanna join," Heeseung smiled at Hye-ri.

Hye-ri grabbed my wrist with her right hand, supporting her lunch tray with her left hand and guided the both of us to their table.

"Thank you so much, Heeseung Oppa," Hye-ri gratefully thanked Heeseung.

"Anything for my little cousin and her annoying friend."

I returned Heeseung's smirk with a scowl.

"Yu-jin darling, you shouldn't scowl. It's not good for that pretty face of yours."

He doesn't know when to shut up, does he?

I grab my bag and get up to leave the cafeteria, not in the mood for Heeseung's taunts. I make my way towards the door and that's when I hear it.

The only sound that can drive fear in my body.

The sound of my past.

His voice.

"Kim Yu-jinah, long time no see." I remained frozen in my spot as I stare at Jang Jun-ho, my ex-boyfriend.

Someone I had known to be dead.

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