
21 1 0

Lee Heeseung

Jang f-ing Jun-ho.

How the f- was he alive. He was supposed to be dead. I got rid of his body myself.

Well, oh f-.

None of this is f-ing making sense. Why would he come back now if he was alive all this time? It's been two years. Why would he wait all this time and then show up out of the blue? This is some f-ing messed up sh1t.

Life is just f-ing screwing me over.

Someone that I supposedly 'killed' but didn't actually kill is standing right there talking to the girl who I saved from him. Everyone knew that Jun-ho was abusing Hye-ri during their relationship but no one bothered to do a f-ing thing about it until I decided to step in that night. Who the f- knew that she would f-ing crawl back to him the minute he walked through those doors.

He literally abused her. I saw. Everyone did. She was the only one who couldn't see that.

Jay was going on about the game that we have next week but I was too busy watching the interaction between Hye-ri and Jun-ho to listen to him or care because I didn't really care.

"Ya, are you're listening to me?" Jay snapped his fingers in my face and when he realized that I didn't care he finally stopped.

I continued watching the two interact and I felt my fists clench underneath the cafeteria table when I saw Jun-ho lean in and whisper something in Hye-ri's ear. That's it. I needed to stop this. I was about to get up but then I felt someone pull me back down. I look to see who it is and it's Jay.

"What the f- man?"

"What the f- do you think you're doing? Don't get involved. Just leave it." He hissed, his hand still on my jacket.

"Alright, alright. I won't get do anything. Happy?" I threw my hands up in defense as I sat back down.

"Good." He nodded.

I turned to look again at Yu-jin and Jun-ho but I couldn't find her. She was gone. Jun-ho was still there though. That didn't make sense.

I scanned the cafeteria again looking for Yu-jin and it was at that moment Jun-ho saw me and started making his way towards me.

F-ing bastard.

He was f-ing smirking.

Who the f- did he think he was?

"Long time no see, Lee Heeseung. How are you?" He smirked as he sat down next to me.

"Terrible now that you are here," I shot back.

He clenched his fists. Hah. It felt good to get a rise out of him.

"Do you have any idea why my girlfriend isn't happy to see me? You would think that she would be over the moon to see you again after two years but that's not the case," he asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you can't keep your hands to yourself, you piece of sh!t," I sarcastically drawled.

If he wasn't mad before, he certainly was now. I couldn't even process my thoughts as his fist connected with my face.

Why is it always the face?

I wiped the blood from my chin with the sleeve of my jacket before I punched him back making him stumble backwards. I took my chance to grab him by the collar and throw him down on the cafeteria table, where I towered over him and delivered a good amount of punches.

In that moment, the only thing I saw was red. I hated the bastard. I hated him for coming back and not dying. But most of all, I hated him for hurting Yu-jin. I didn't even like the girl but there is fine line between throwing insults and throwing punches. This f-ing son of a gun happened to be doing the latter.

I don't know how long I stayed there, punching Jun-ho. I felt someone's hands try to get me off Jun-ho but I wouldn't budge. It was only then when I heard her voice.

"Heeseung, get off him. You're going to kill him," Yu-jin screamed, her hands wrapped around my waist trying to pry me off Jun-ho. A sense of deja vu hit me, memories of that night replaying in my head. Memories of what we did that night. But it wasn't just a memory anymore, it's a ghost that is coming back to haunt us.

Yu-jin finally managed to get me off Jun-ho with the help of Jay. I let my eyes fall onto Jun-ho seeing the damage I'd done. The bastard's face was unrecognizable.

Good. I liked it better that way.

Taking one last look at Jun-ho and not sparing
Yu-jin one, I walked out of the cafeteria.

I looked down at my hands, blood being the only thing visible on my hands.

Why the f- did I do?

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