Chapter 13

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Elanor quickly made her way down to the forest floor the next morning, feeling as though the company was up and around far earlier than expected. Pausing, she looked around in an attempt to find Haldir. She then found him speaking to Braen.

She could not help as the closer she got to them, the more she felt on edge. One look at their expressions told her that something very serious was happening. She had not seen Haldir look this strained in all the years she had known him.

"What is it?" she asked as she reached the two. Haldir glanced at Braen and then turned to her.

"We've received word in the night. Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel wish for us to ride to Helm's Deep to aid the Kingdom of Rohan," he said solemnly. "A great battle is to take place there against thousands of Uruk Hai from Isengard. Troops will be arriving from Imladris soon. We must return to Caras Galadhon right away to prepare."

Elanor did not speak a few moments, though she could hear the elves around them preparing to quickly leave, nothing registered as her thoughts focused on what he had just said.

The war had arrived far sooner than she expected. Haldir was to ride for Helm's Deep.

Elanor looked around, wondering how many of their own soldiers would ride with him. How many would return. What would they face once they arrived? Haldir had spoken to her of what was happening in Isengard, the large, deadly orcs that Saruman had bred and sent out to do his bidding. Fear once again seized her heart.

"Elanor," he said urgently. Elanor met his eyes. "We must hurry."

"I am ready to leave," she said immediately.

He nodded and started to walk off, but then stopped. He met Braen's eyes and the other elf offered a quick nod before walking off. Haldir turned to her and immediately, Elanor felt anxiety course through her.

"Elanor... come with me to Helm's Deep," he said. She had assumed he would ask as much. She did not answer at first, unsure of what she would say. "I want you to be my second in command."

Elanor's eyes widened as she took a step back from him. Surely, he was jesting. She then chuckled as she shook her head.

"You have spent too much time with Rumil and Orophin," she said. "For I nearly believed you." Her laughter then died on her lips as she saw the expression on Haldir's face. "No... you cannot be serious."

"I am," he said. "You are most equipped for the role." She shook her head quickly.

"I am not," she replied, her fear spiking suddenly. "This is folly. You cannot be serious. What about Braen?" Haldir sighed heavily.

"I do not have time for this right now - we must return. But I assure you, I am serious. You can give me your answer upon our return," he said urgently before turning and walking off, shouting out orders to the others. Elanor stood in the center of the clearing, her heart pounding.

He wanted her to go to war with him at his side.

A shudder ran through Elanor's body, though she quickly tried to shake it off. Looking around, she straightened her back and began walking towards the others, a calm mask sliding in place. Regardless of whatever she decided, she did not wish to show weakness.

 Regardless of whatever she decided, she did not wish to show weakness

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