Chapter 17

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Elanor stood back, watching as the two elves lifted the pallet carrying Haldir onto their shoulders, her hand going out slightly as they jostled him. He still had not woken, but at least there was no fever or burning. She had cleaned the wound and redressed it just before the elves arrived to carry him out, eager to return to Lothlorien.

It was a solemn march through the keep to the wagons that Theoden had graciously provided them. Most of their kin would be laid to rest in Edoras and the thought pained Elanor. She wanted to take them all back, but there were far too many dead for her now small company. And her priority at this moment was Haldir and the other wounded.

Stopping at the top of the stairs, she turned to Theoden, though it was hard to tear her eyes from Haldir, and bowed to him.

"Rohan thanks you greatly for coming to our aid," he said softly. "And for the sacrifices your kind have made."

"We will always come to your aid," Elanor said, willing her voice not to waver. She then turned to Aragorn. "I wish you strength on the rest of your journey," she murmured.

"Safe travels," Aragorn replied as she bowed slightly to him.

Legolas stood at his side. She glanced at him, finding a deep sadness in his eyes, though she could not understand why. He had to have known that she would leave with the others.

She was now captain of the elven army with Haldir injured.

Elanor then turned to Braen, who was now her second-in-command.

"It is time," she said. He nodded and started down the stairs as she slowly followed.

Deftly, she mounted her horse in front of the wagon, her back straight and eyes trained forward. All around her, the remaining elves waited for her command. Behind her there was a group of about 10 wounded elves with various injuries. But just as she opened her mouth to give the order, she felt a small push in her mind. She frowned at the intrusion.


Immediately, she recognized the soft cadence of Galadriel. It was coming at a most inopportune moment, but one did not ignore the Lady of the Wood.

"Yes, my lady?"

"You have fought bravely, my child. Our losses have not been made in vain..."

Elanor swallowed, her thoughts going to the hundreds of fallen elves that had filled the battleground. Who would never return to Lothlorien or Imladris.

"But your journey does not end here. You must stay."

"But... I cannot. We have lost so many. How will one small company of elves make any difference?" she could not help but ask.

"How can one small halfing save all of Middle Earth? All it takes is one pebble tossed into the water to create widespread ripples. Your path leads you not back to Lothlorien, but to Edoras and beyond," Galadriel replied.

Elanor swallowed the tears threatening to fall down her cheeks. She knew they were all staring at her, waiting, but she did not chance looking around.

"I do not know if I possess enough strength to stay," she replied.

"You do. Your story does not end in this way. You must stay and fight," Galadriel continued.

"But... Haldir... I cannot leave his side," Elanor continued to fight. "And the other injured. Someone must lead them home."

"Others can take on that task. And there is one who needs you more," came the response. Elanor's eyes widened. "It is your decision to make, but are you willing to go against your destiny?"

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