Chapter 21

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For a moment, fear attempted to seize Elanor's heart as she looked out at Pelennor Fields. Pandemonium reigned supreme and it was clear that the army of Gondor was losing energy as they fought valiantly against Sauron's hordes. She gripped her reins tightly, waiting for the King of Rohan to give the order, part of her eager to join the fight though the other wished to turn and ride in the opposite direction. It was folly to think that they could win this - they barely won a Helm's Deep.

She then shook her head as she straightened up in her saddle looking to the elves around her with fierce determination in her eyes.

"Strength and courage, my friends," she said calmly. "If we die today, then we die with honor doing what is right and just." She then swallowed her last bit of fear. "And if I die today, I am grateful that I die with such noble elves and strong fighters at my side."

"Strength and courage," Braen shouted, the others following suit.

She fixed her eyes ahead, already assessing the battle as she heard Theoden run his sword along the line of spears.

"Arise, arise, Riders of Theoden! Spear shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending! Death! Death! Death! Forth Eorlingas!"

Elanor felt strength surge through her as the many soldiers all shouted in one voice. She pulled out her sword, lifting it high as she glanced at Braen next to her. He nodded, towards her, silently reassuring her that he would be at her side.

She then turned her focus forward. With one word, the entire company surged forward across the field. A fierce battle cry left her lips as all thoughts of Haldir or Legolas left her and the only thing in her mind was the desire to save Middle Earth.

Elanor grunted as she landed her blade into the belly of a Southron man and then kicked him away, pain shooting up her leg, though she ignored it. She had been thrown from her horse in the early throes of the fight but had pushed through the pain like any good soldier would.

She glanced around, noting that the elven warriors were sticking close to each other, working together to down as many of the enemy as possible. Their arrival had the desired element of surprise, thanks to the Wild Men's secret road, and they were quickly gaining on them, cutting off one course of retreat.

Renewed vigor pulsed through her as she continued on, pushing her way forward towards the city walls. Though they were facing good odds at the moment, Elanor could not help but wish for Legolas and Aragorn to arrive. They would need them and the Army of the Dead if they were to have a decisive victory.

And it certainly was of no help that the longer they were separated, the more she worried about his fate. He had promised he would be here, but there truly was no predicting just what they would face on the Road Under the Mountain.

But it would not do to dwell on such thoughts while Elanor needed to focus on the battle and keep her people safe. They had lost far too many at Helm's Deep and she was unsure if she could bear losing anymore.

Without warning, the ground shook beneath her feet and an unworldly shriek pierced the air, striking fear into her heart. Elanor ducked under another sword, swiftly killed its owner and then looked to the sky, her blood starting to run cold.

"The Witch King of Angmar," she heard Braen shout.

She looked over at him, the both of them wearing equally concerned looks. This did not bode well for anyone. Elanor looked over, seeing the beast flying lower to the ground, as though it had selected its first victim. The desire to protect overwhelmed her, though she could not see who was being attacked.

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