Meet Curry and Zuzu

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In Hell, Emi leads Maisie and her friends to Ring of Wrath.

Emi- Well here is the other part of Wrath. It's not as much as Envy or Lust but hey--its home. Im the Princess of Wrath

Maisie: Cool, it's too bad my parents wouldn't come.

Tito: Yeah.

Maisie: Hey Tito, how come you didn't compete in the harvest moon games?

Tito: Papa said *sacastically* Tito you are very sensitive, I don't want you to get hurt in the games. *Normal* I'm not that weak! I fought many muggers with my bare hands!

Jenny- Too bad so sad squirt.

Maisie stops and thinks about Christophe Delorne from Ep 1...

Maisie sighs lovingly*

Emi looks.

Emi- What's wrong with her ?

Muskrat: She likes this boy Christophe

Emi- Who is that ?

Wither: Just a kid from South park

Tito then started to remember something.

Tito- Hey Wither , do you remember Domino 2 ?

Wither: Yeah?

Samantha- Who's Domino 2 ?

Cake: Yeah?

Wither sighed sadly.

Wither- Domino 2 was my second pet cat. But she was a Kill-a-moth cat....


Wither was taking a hike until he sees an abandoned cave nest

Wither: Ooh!

Wither climbed up and his eyes widened as he sees the nest is old and has a single white egg

Wither: Whoa.

He grabs the egg and feels its cold

Wither: Poor egg, it will die...

He takes it back home and puts it in a warm incubator

Wither: I hope it hatches.

Then it started to crack

Wither looks*

The egg started to hatch

Wither gasped*

Then the egg bursts free and he sees a cute insectoid like kitten with six legs and a caterpillar like body hatches

Wither smiles: Hi there

The Cat-erpillar sees him and mews . Thinking he's hee father , she mews

Wither pets her*

The baby kitten looks at him and mews and licks his hand

Wither chuckles*

Time Skip....

Baby Domino 2 sees Tito and goes to nom nom on him

Tito is playing pool table*

Baby Domino 2 nom noms on his tail

Tito: Yipes!

He looks and sees Domino 2 giggling

Tito: Who are you?

Wither yelps and runs over as Domino 2 giggles and tries to crawl away

Wither picks her up: Sorry, this is my new pet

Tito: Since when did you get a caterpillar?

Domino 2 crawls all over Wither and nibbles a piece of his leaf on his skin

Wither chuckles: You can nibble that, I can regrow myself.

Domino 2 mews papa at him

Wither: Awwww, you called me dad!

Domino 2 mews happily before he holds her and snuggles her.

Flashback ends...

Wither: Later Domino 2 is in a cocoon, I hope she hatches.

Samantha- Awww. She looked so cute !

Wither: Yep.

Tito sees Curry: Curry! Amigo!

Curry- Tito , dude !

Tito: How are you?!

Curry- Good !

Crush: Got any dates to go on?

Curry snickers.

Curry- A sexy one~

Zell: Who?

Then a cute and sassy looking succubus appears smirking

Fenrir: Whoa, who is that?

Curry- This is my cute girlfriend , Zuzu~

Zuzu-( Smiles ) Hiya

Priscilla: Hi there!

Curry- Isn't she gorgeous??~

Zuzu- Aww no you are~

They chuckled*

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