Mordecai meets Twilight

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Morty: Bro! Twilight, Discord and Flash are coming!

Mordecai- Huh?

Twilight, Discord and Flash came with Discord's newborn baby*

Twilight- Hi Malikai. Sorry we're late. Dislight has been a little fussy with his sisters Twila and Luminous

Ludel: It's okay Twilight

Tops: So where is the new little one?!

Twilight- Here is our boy Dislight.

Tops and Arabella: Awwwwwwww!

Wammawink and Screwball appear and look jealous

Dislight sees Screwball and shyly hides*

Screwball- Baba ?

Screwball teleports to behind him and babbles

Dislight: Beh beh

Screwball- Be be

Arabella: Awwww, Screwball has a crush on him!

Discord- Awww so sweet !

Twilight sees Wammawink and gasped as she zoomed over and holds Wammawink.

Twilight- OMG OMG OMG !!! You guys have a baby centaur ?! And not just a centaur , an Alpacataur ! I didnt know centaurs lived on this planet !!

Malikai: We'll they're from centaur planet

Twilight- W she is such a cutie wootie ! Yes she is ! Yes she is !

Wammawink giggles before Discord and Flash see someyhing.

Flash- Hey guys.

Discord- Look at this!

They looked*

They look up at the ceiling and see Screwball babbling as she walks upside down following Dislight who also crawls upside down.

Tigs: Oh my!

Tops: It's spiderman!

Snowdrop babbles sadly as she feels useless even if she is wearing glasses

Tigs picks her up: Sweetie what's wrong?

Snowdrop babbles even with the glasses she feels useless as a few babies picked on her and her eyes

Tigs: That's not true sweetie, you have a soulmate Baby.

Snowdrop looks at him

Baby crawls in*

Snowdrop- Beh beh !

Baby: Snowdrop! Snowdrop!

Snowdrop giggles

Baby hugs her*

Snowdrop smiles and hugs him back.

Mordecai- Hey dudes. Rigny and I are going to--

Mordecai stop and sees Twilight. Eyes formed into hearts as his jaw dropped and the Airplanes song sings in the background

Malikai: Mordecai?

He looks and notices Mordecai is love staring at Twilight who smiles

Malikai: Oh boy

Mordecai blushes as Twilight walks over to him

Pentol: This will be good.

Twilight- Hi there

Mordecai: Oh, um, hi

Twilight- You must be new here. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle

Mordecai: I'm Mordecai....

Twilight- Mordecai ? Such. Nice name

Mordecai: Thanks.

Twilight- No problem~

The Weaselings watch this

Cherry: Awwwwww!

Rigby snickers.

Rigby- Lets hope he doesnt simp for her like he did with Margaret

Pentol: How much you want to bet on it?

Rigby- 50 , spikey.

Pentol: Done

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