Others meet the Salior moon gang

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Back with the villains...

They get ready to go to Earth until Vexa growls of jealousy and pulls Void by his tail

Void: Sweetie, what is it?

Vexa-Moon crystal useful ! You also take Mai-Mai ( Maisie ) ( Jealously ) Mai Mai useless ! No-portant !

Void: Maisie has a gift, but she's for a future episode

He looks and realizes his baby girl is jealous

Void: Awwwww, you think I'm going to forget about you?

Vexa turns red and crosses her arms.

Vexa- Ye ( Yes ) !

Void picks her up: Of course I won't forget you, you are special.

Vexa looks at him.

Void kisses her belly*

Vexa giggles

Vexa- Weally ?

Void: Yes really

Vexa giggles.

Vexa- Okey. Okey.

Back in Toon Town , Malikai and the Weaselings return with Skye as the other toons see Serena and her crew

Ludel: Hi guys!

Serena- Hi guys !

Savy and the other toons see them

Savy: Who are they?

Malikai looks and introduce them

Roxie: Nice names!

Serena- Thanks !

Lexy- So where are you from?

Serena- Oh... Um... Well...

Tigs: From the 6th galaxy

Serena- Yeah. From a Moon Kingdom in the Negaverse...

Sleazy: Cool

Blitzo and the others appeared*

Malikai- Oh hey guys. Christophe ?!

Morty- He's alive again ?!

Maisie: Yep, you missed out what happened in hell.

Blitzo- Drake tried to take Maisie.

Malikao- Whos Drake ?

Blitzo- Satans son and Emi's half brother. But last night Minimus and Christophe saved her.

Minimus- And we didnt want to leave so we stayed the night at their place

Blitzo- Also Spindle gave birth !

Wheezy: Whoa.

Lumina came: Guys, I have bad news, my dad found out Solaris was spying on dad's plans, now I lost contact with my brother.

Malikai- Great. JUST great!

Blitzo- Yeah !

Serena then remembers something.

Serena- Oh boy...

Savy: What is it?

Serena- I forgot there were four more Sailor Scouts like us...

Pentol: Huh?

Serena- Theyre all in different parts of the galaxy. The first one is our old friend Setsuna or we call her Sailor Pluto

Psycho: Ooh!

Serena- Yes. There is also Chibi Chibi an eternal Sailor guardian

Morty: Ooh

Serena- And here are two legendary scouts Sailor Cosmos

Greasy: Cool.

Serena- But theres a dangerous and evil one

Malikai: Who?

Serena- Her name was Sailor Galaxia...

Tops: Scary

Serena- I know. She is the leader of the Shadow Galactica. Now Im afraid in the next episode Void is going to find her

Morty: Ooh.

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