Striker comes to Blitzo

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Back in Hell , Blitzo is with the kids as they wait for Striker

Maisie: Am I in trouble dad?

Blitzo- No sweetie. I just dont trust that snake guy. But you really shouldn't be crushing on some stranger thats only after your innocence.

Tito: Yeah, his hypnotic stares traps the ladies.

Lucky- Lucky it doesn't work on me.

Lucky chuckles at the joke as Jenny looked slightly entranced by his attractiveness

Jenny-(Turns red) But Thats kinda hot~

Spike: Oh no not you!

Jenny-(Stays red) Ohhh, that is some good looking snake~ Those deadly eyes , the mustache, the gun tail.... Oh my...

Spike kisses her cheek*

Jenny- Oh !

Spike: That breaks the trance..

Jenny looks and giggles as she feels Spike's kiss.

Jenny- Oh Spike~

Aldryx eventually returned from trying to cool off

Ice Cube: Aldryx!

Aldryx- Hey babe

Ice Cube: You okay now?

Aldryx- Yes. Im fine

Ice Cube: Good.

Striker came on Bombproof*

Blitzo- Babe !

Maisie: Hi daddy!

Striker: Hey sugar cube, howdy kids.

Blitzo- Striker ! We need to talk !

Striker gets off Bombproof: Okay, watch over Bombproof kids.

Snips: We will!

Blitzo slaps Striker softly not hard

Striker: Okay, how did I deserve that sugar cube?

Blitzo- Why didn't you tell me you knew a Wrath prince named Drake?!

Striker is shocked: Oh, him... he.... he's no longer my friend anymore...

Blitzo- Well because of that earlier today he tried to steal Maisie's virginity!

Striker: He what?!

Blitzo- Yes! You should've told me sooner! And thank God I was there looking for Maisie!

Striker: That was close...

Blitzo- And Im also mad because you teased me at the table tracing my groin!

Striker: You want to have a little payback with me?

Blitzo- Oh yes. You left me heated !

Striker blushes a bit*

Blitzo then tackles him.

Striker: Whoa!

Blitzo smirks and traces his groin to his chest

Striker purrs*

Blitzo then gets an idea and untie his bandana

Striker looks*

Blitzo smirks and slips off his shirt as he ties Striker's bandana around him

Striker: Ooh, getting kinky huh?

Blitzo- Maybe.... You like it ?~

Striker: Oh yes....

Blitzo smirks as he takes his tail and uses it to pull down Striker's pants

Striker smirks: Oh yeah.....

He then goes down to his member

Striker smiles*

Blitzo- You're so sexy..... Daddy~

Striker: Yes I am.....

Blitzo tongue kisses him.

Back outside....

Jenny- Maisie, telling that guy you're a virgin is a stupid mistake. Because when a girl says that he is coming right after you! Not because he likes you because he wants you first!

Maisie: I know it was a mistake, his hypnotic stare got me!

Snips: What's a virgin?

Priscilla blushes red before she smirks seductively.

Priscilla- ( Picks him up ) Snip Snip , you wanna know what it is ?~

Snips: Yes?

Priscilla snirks seductively...

Priscilla-( Quietly ) A virgin is a guy or a woman who hasn't had sex yet~

Snips smiles big: Ooh la la.....

He looks at Priscilla.

Priscilla- What ?~

Snips: Want to do that someday....?

Priscilla smirks as her soft black lips is close to his.

Snips smiles big*

Priscilla- Anything for you baby~

Snips smiles more*

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