Roy meets SkekNik

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Back with Void...

Vexa groans as she has an eyeball headache

Void: She rejected my son?! MY SON?!

Enerjak cries*

Void: Would you be quiet you've embarrassed me enough!!

Enerjak- But Dad--!

Void: Now everyone in toon town think I have a loser for a son!

Mehpia and Void Jr are shocked at Void insulting one of his good sons.

Void Jr.- Wow dad.

Void: Nobody rejects my son! Nobody!!!

Vexa- Daddy ! Pill !

Ifrit: It hasn't been 48 hours, if we give him another pill, it will cause delusional side affect!

Vexa- Dont yell at me ! I have an eyeball headache !

Vexa cries and runs off.

Ifrit: Sis wait! *runs after her* I can help with your eyeball!

Nega Death: Dad! *gives him a tart* Here, this is freshly baked for you!

Void takes it and eats it as he calms down.

Vexa is in Ifrit's lab..

Vexa- My eyeball hurts.. It hurts so much I wanna tear it out myself

Ifrit: I am a genius, I have potions to heal gods like us.

Vexa- Weaaaaally ?

Ifrit: Yeah, I have rash cream, broken feet healing juice, scar healing cream, and stuffy nose puffer for gods.

Baby Smaug appears and starts getting into stuff as Ifrit gives her migraine serum.

Ahri sees him and picks him up: No no no, those are very dangerous to knock over

Smaug chitters

Ifrit: Now hold still, it's like eye drops

Vexa whines and holds still

Ifrit gives her one drop on her eye*

Vexa blinks

Ifrit: There, just let it kick in for 1 hour of rest

Vexa- Okay.

Back in Dark Town , the Weaselings show Mordecai and Rigby their place.

Mordecai- Whoooooa !

Malikai: Yep, this is our castle.

Rigby- This is so cool !

Roy: It is cool!

Mordecai- Wow. I wish we went here sooner then we would've made a special crossover episode

Pentol: I know

Rigby- Wow...

SkekNik came out*

Rigby- Huh ?

Mordecai: Who's that?

Jason: Oh that's one of the skeksis's kids SkekNik.

Roy: Whoa, I should talk to her.

Rigby- Cool !

Roy came to her: Um, hi there.

SkekNik sees him: Oh! Hello.

Roy- I.. Im Roy.

SkekNik: I'm SkekNik, SkekNa's daughter.

Roy- I heard.

SkekNik: Are you asking me out? Cause my dad won't allow it?

Roy: Um, why not?

SkekNik: He's standing right behind you...

Mordecai- What the ?

SkekNa glares are him while gently scraping his claw on the castle wall*

Roy gulps and backs away.

SkekNan- Honey...

SkekNik: Hi daddy!

SkekNa- Hello sweetie

Roy: Your her father?

SkekNa- Yes...

SkekNik: Dad, he's okay, he's not a perv unlike that jerk Terrance

SkekNa- Alright sweetie.

Roy sighs of relief, Roy takes SkekNik out*

Jason: Well that was cool I guess....

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