Nega Death apologized to Vexa

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Back with the weaselings*

Malikai: Okay sibs, we need to have a talk.

Arabella- I didnt do it !

Tops: Um... what is the talk about?

Malikai: I'm getting kinda sick of every episode of one of us ignoring our siblings and making them feel sad, it's kinda getting out of hand.

Arabella: Oh

Malikai: So for now on we need to listen to one another and not ignore any of us ever again.

Morty: Got it. *hugs Tina* I'll never ignore Tina.

Arabella whimpered

Malikai went to Arabella: And for you sis, I made you your favorite. *holds the ice cream* Royal berry supreme.

Arabella gasped and giggles.

Arabella- Yaaaay! I wuv u puppy wuppy baby seal bro !

Malikai chuckles: I love you too.

There was a knock on the door*

SkekNa: I got it. *went to the door and opened it*

It was Grim matchstick and his friends Cagney, Hilda and Werner*

Grim was sniffling*

Malikai- What happened ?

Grim: Guys, we-we.... *cries loud and hugs Arabella tight*

Arabella- Grim what happened ?

Cagney: It was awful, two hours ago we were minding our own buisness, until this giant crocodragon came, and this Lord Void appeared saying that we killed his friend Pendragon.

Hilda: Now he and his minions and kids guitar blast us down, and took everyone, except we were the only four that escaped with Cuphead and Mugman and Chalice.

Cagney: Our home inkwell isles.... sunk in the ocean....

They all gasped

Morty: Oh no!

Werner curses in german*

Pentol: What is he saying?

Grim- He said they destroyed his robotic cat and Cala Maria and Bon Bons children are separated And his wife Mousey Herbfield is killed

Zanobia gasped: That monster!

Werner sadly speaks as he reveals his baby rat mice

Tops gasped: Babies!

Who are swaddled up in two blue and one pink blanketd squeaking blindly

Parfait: So cute!

The babies cry as they want their mother

Arabella looks at Malikai if they can stay in dark town*

Arabella- Bro pleeeeeaaaase ?

Malikai: Okay, you guys can stay here

They smiled.

Back with the villains...

They celebrate as they defested the 30s toons..

Vexa- That was awesome !

Iblis: Destroying Inkwell isles is fun!

Void: That's not all...

Vexa- Huh ?

Void: We found another game announcer, meet our new friend King Dice.

Vexa- Awwwwwwww !

King Dice- Hiya.

Nega Death and Void Jr deadpanned

Void Jr- Dad seriously ?

Void: Hey, he's an aristocat like the others I don't kill in the banquet hall *points* See?

Vexa rolls eyes.

Vexa- On the bright side: I don't see Nega Death giving my payback

Nega death pulls the string*

Vexa- Huh ? Aah !

Vexa is covered with green slime

Nega Death: You've been slimed!

Vexa- Huh ? Aah !

Vexa is covered with green slime

Nega Death: You've been slimed!

Vexa's eyes grew big as her eyes water with hot pink tears as she whimperd

Definite: Bro!

Vexa starts to cry and disappears as tears fall

Void: Son, you better apologize to your sister right now!

Nega Death- What ?! She made me say uncle and called me a beainless womanizer before !

Void: Well you are, but that makes me proud of you.

Nega Death- Ugh fine...

Vexa is in her bedroom crying as she snuggles Smaug

Smaug licks her cheek*

Vexa sniffles and snuggles him as she smiles sadly

Nega Death knocks on the door*

Vexa- ( Holds Smaug ) Go away !

Nega Death: Look, I came to apologize, and I made your favorite soda, purple goth fizzle pop.

Vexa- Really ??

Nega Death: Yes really.

Vexa- Okay come in

Nega Death came in*

Vexa looks

Nega Death: Here's your favorite drink.

Vexa- Uh huh...

Vexa takes it

Nega Death: Look, I'm sorry with the slime prank, I won't do it again.

Vexa- You promise ?

Nega Death: Cross my evil heart

Vexa- Okay. I'm sorry I embarrassed you.

Nega Death ruffles her hair: It's okay squirt.

Vexa- ( Playfully) Eyy! Im older than you !

Nega Death chuckles and hugs his sister.

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