Cordelia stays with Sash

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In the lab , Vexa searches around until she sees a specific serum

Ifrit: What are you looking for?

Vexa- Nothing~

Ifrit: You lying to me?

Veca- No

Vexa then sees a serum that starts with an I.

Vexa- Hmm

Ifrit: Sis....

Vexa- You saw nothing !

She then gulps the serum

Ifrit: Sis!

Vexa- See ? Im fine. Its not like--

She then started to transform

Ifrit: Uh oh!

She them turns into a 3 year old baby Vexa like she was.

Ifrit: You took the infant potion?!

Vexa- Eeeeeeeeehhhhhh ?!

Ifrit picks her up: Not to worry, it wears off in 6 hours.

Vexa babbles before Void and Nega Death comes in

Void: Ifrit, where's Vexa?

Vexa- Mega Death ! Papa ! Papa !

Nega Death: Sis?!

Vexa crawls to them babbling

Void: Ifrit what did she do?

Ifrit- She accidentally drank the infant potion while trying to find her Anti Depression serum

Nega death: Does it wear off?

Vexa babbles and crawls to Void

Void picks her up*

Vexa babbles and lools at him

Void smiles: Hey sweetie

Vexa- Papa

Void nuzzled her*

Vexa giggles.

Vexa- Papa papa !

Nega Death: She is pretty cute.

Vexa looks and sees her stomach growling

Void: You hungry sweetie?

Vexa- Papa ! Hungee !

Void: Okay, let's eat sweetie.

When the sun rose...

Sash sighs sadly as she is in her bed with her husband

Issac looks: Honey, you okay?

Sash- I guess....

Issac: You can tell me honey

Sash- I know I should be over this but..... I just miss all my friends.... And my family...

Issac: Hey, some of your friends escape Void, well, except for Spade and Dail..

Sash- Thats not helping...

Issac: Sorry...

Sash sighs sadly and turns away but Issac turns to her as she looks

Issac: I will do anything to save your family my love.

Sash looks at him blushing: Really ?

Issac: Yes really.

Sash smiles and kisses his nose before Vincent comes in with shocking news for Sash

Vincent: Sash, someone you know is at the door!

Sash- Huh ?

Sash looks at Issac

Issac: Let's go find out

Sash- Im on my wat !

Sash and Issac dash out and sprinted towards the door and Sash gasped.

They see a beautiful older Avalician female water dragon with black hair and light brown fur in a black and blue gown

Sash gasped in shock*

Sash- Grandma ?

Cordelia-(Shocked) Sash Lilac ?

Sash cries happily*

Sash traps Cordelia in an emotional hug

Sash hugs her

Cordelia hugs her back*

Sash- I missed you so much grandmami !

Cordelia: I was looking for you!

Sash- Me too ! I thought you were gone forever ! I had no one left !

Cordelia: When I saw Void and his kids attacked the planet, I managed to escape.

Sash- I missed you so much...

Cordelia: I miss you too, now I need a place to stay.

Sash- You can stay here !

Raymesis: That's a good idea!

Sash- Yea ! What do you think honey ?

Issac smiles: Why not? The kids are happy

Sash- Babies , meet your grandmother Cordelia

The babies cooed*

Bria- Grandma !

They hugged her*

Cordelia smiles.

They smiled*

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