Savy is resting in bed and King with his pups

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In the castle, Queen lays in her bed as she watches the pups bark and play in the throne room

King: How are our pups honey?

Queen growls theyre doing good

King smiles*

Nine, Jack, Joker, Prince, Princess, and Eight are playing around*

Queen growls to hjm shes going to stretch out her legs...

King: Okay be careful.

Queen nuzzled her head and growled softly before she goes off.

Time Skip....

Queen growls as she makes it to the outside fields

Queen enjoys the fresh air*

But a male glass demon like her spots her. Queen senses it and stops

The male glass demon growls purring at her*

Queen looks and growls on what does he want and who is he

The Male glass demon wants her*

Queen growls as she backs away

The male glass demon nuzzled her*

Queen glared as he does so

King came to them: Hey, leave my Queen alone!

Queen growled out his name but when the male sees him he laughs and Queen looks

King: I command you to leave her alone right now!

The male glass demon kicks him to the tree and king is hurt*

Queen sees this and she is really pissed off*

Queen roars and attacks him only for him to attack her back as she kept fighting.

King weakly looks*

The male growls he will teach her to mind her own place

Queen growls her place ?!

She then tries to attack him but he grabbed her by the neck with his mouth and then he throws her down before he towers over the injured Queen , ready to dominate her

King sees this, he runs to him and headbutts the male glass demon and he flies far away*

Amazed , Queen looks at him as she sits up

King is hurt still: Ow....

Queen ran over to him and licks his head and asks if Hes alright

King: I'm okay honey

Queen growled how did he find her ?

King: I went to see you but then that jerk came to torment you.

Queen growled and pulled him to her as she compliments on how she loved how brave he was to stand up to the male to defend her.

King smiles: Awww shucks

Queen smiles and licks his face making him chuckle and asks who is watching the pups ?

King: I asked Razzle and Dazzle to watch over the pups.

Queen smiles and picks her husband up and puts him on her back to rest.

King rests*

Back with the heroes , Smarty pats Savys head as she lays in bed.

Savy is weak*

The kids wait outside their room*

Kolliba pats Melody's back and Dian is on his shoulder a bit worried*

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