Cheering up Skye

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Back at Earth*

The heroes are hanging out at the park except for Skye.

Savy: Where's Skye?

Crystal- She is still upset about yesterday...

Malikai- Why what happened ?

Smarty- She think she killed Waspy when he was faking it while she was in....( Quietly ) Her kitsune form

Morty gasped: That jerk!

Tigs: Bees and wasps get killed when their stingers are out, but Waspy doesn't die.

Smarty- She still needs someone to talk to. You guys know hoe it feels in your savage forms. They arent any different. She feels like a monster right now.

Arabella: We got this.

In her living room, Skye is upset as she wipes her tears and lools at the jade necklace her mom gave her inncase she wants to seal her form in there forever

Innari looks at her*

Kora does as well as the two kitsune charm and jewelpet smuggle her.

There was a knock on the door*

Skye- Get the door please Innari.

Innari floats over and opems it.

Innari- Malikai ! Weaselings !

Axelle: Hi Innari!

Innari- Im glad you guys came. Skye isn't her best right now

Tops: We're here to cheer her up.

Innari- Come. Shes in the living room

They came in*

They see Skye all asad on the couch cuddling Kora

Jason: Hey Skye

Skye- Hey....

Ludel: How are you?

Skye- Upsetting...

Pentol: Don't say that.

Skye sighs and covers her face with a pillow

Zanobia: It's not your fault, you need help controlling it.

Skye- You shouldve seen me at the mall.... I was lucky I didnt get caught...

Tops: Cheer up, we'll help you get throught it.

Skye cries

Tops and Arabella hugs her*

Skye cries as she looks

Tops: We'll help you, we promise

Skye- Really ?

Pentol: Yes really.

Skye turns into her kitsune form and hugs him.

Skye- Thanks guys... You're good friends...

Malikai smiles: Yes we are

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