Mordecai with Twilight

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Back in the dark castle....

Wammawink giggles as she hides under the table drawing cute fish related toons giggling as she blushes

Tops: Wammawink, where are you?

Wammawink giggles as she keeps drawing cute fish and mer toons

Tops hears giggling: I hear giggling.

Wammawink stopped and froze as she holds her pictures

Tops: Hmmmm, where could she be?

Wammawink stays quiet under the table

Tops opens the table cover: There you are!

Wammawink playfully screams as she holds her drawings

Tops holds her: What are you drawing?

Wammawink blushes.

Wammawink- N--nothing !

Tops: Is it your future date?

Wammawink- I dont know. Maybe ?

Tops takes a paper.

Wammawink- Wait , no !

Tops sees she drew a few cute fish related toon characters

Tops: Ooh, fishies!

Wammawink blushes embarrassed and looks away

Tops: Huh? Wait, you love fish toons?

Wammawink turns red and nods.

Wammawink- M... Mhm...

Tops: Why didn't you tell me sweetie?

Wammawink-( Turns red) I... I was embarrassed to tell you... People would think Im weird if a mammal wike me wikes a fish or a mer dude

Tops: Hey, look at me sweetie, people don't mind who they love, why I love Cream, she maybe a rabbit, but she's the love of my life. Jessica married Roger rabbit and it's okay for them. Jezebel fell in love with Alberto cause he's half sea creature.

Wammawink feels better.

Wammawink- W--weally ?

Tops: Yes really, so your not the only one who dates other species.

Wammawink- E....even if it is a fish ?

Tops nodded: Even if it is a fish.

Wammawink giggles and snuggles him.

Tops pets her head*

In the garden , Mordecai and Twilight talk to each other

Mordecai chuckles*

Twilight-( Smiles ) Boy you must've lived quite a journey in space

Mordecai: Yes I have.

Mordecai- So you went to the human world of yourselves , went on a quest to stop.the Storm King and got turned to stone by Sherflames ?

Twilight-( Chuckles ) Yeah. It was all wild

Rigby listens*

Twilight- So are you and your friends staying in Dark Town ?

Mordecai: Yes we are.

Twilight blushes.

Twilight- That's nice. I really never met a toon like you , Mordecai and it's nice.

Mordecai chuckles: I know.

Twilight-( Smiles ) Im looking forward to meeting you again , Mordecai

Mordecai: Um, me too.

Twilight- By Mordecai~

Twilight waves as she left.

Mordecai smiles big*

Rigby- Well pay up Pent.

Pentol: Ugh, fine! *as he pays up Rigby*

Rigby snickers a she counts the money.

Rigby- Nice.....

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