3- The Paino Bench

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My mom shouted at me as I was leaving for school the next morning, telling me to have a good day as she sat on the living room floor working on a new painting of hers. My mom is an artist and recently opened up an art gallery in Yokohama during the summer. My mom's name is Luna, she has always been very kind and supportive of me. Her natural hair color is blonde but when she moved to Japan after marrying my father, she dyed her hair brown. Now it is short and curly, people usually assume she has a perm. My mom is a little taller and skinnier than I am, like a runway model.

I have to take the subway to school since it is about a thirty minute walk from my apartment. That day I found the music room, no one was there so I decided to walk in, where I saw the piano in the corner of the room, a classic piano that was light brown. It would not hurt if I played a song or two, it was after school and everyone had left; or they were out playing their school sport- so I thought. Whenever I played, it felt as if the rest of the world came to a complete stop, as if no one else were around me-like I was in a pitch black room. I finished playing a song and looked up from the bench only to see the girl from the other day, standing near the front of the music classroom door, staring at me.

I stood up and felt my heart start to race, "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was still here"

She smiled and walked closer to me,"You're really good" An anxious feeling fell over me, my heart started racing the closer she got to me. "Play another song" She had a softer voice than I thought she would and her smile, mesmerizing.

I sat back down, she sat next to me on the same bench that was in front of the piano. I played my mom's favorite song, a love song. I felt her eyes staring at me as I was playing. I finished the song and looked up at her, she smirked.

"I'm Nani Fujita, well Nanami is my full name. But everyone calls me Nani. What's your name?"

I quietly said,"Mika."

I lightly bowed to her as she sat next to me, I was not to sure what to say or what to do. She was staring at me, but it did not feel like a mean stare, but rather as if she was trying to form an opinion of me. Her eyes were hazel and sparkling from the sun that was shining through the window. She was even more beautiful close up.

Nani laughed, "No need to be formal, you're a second year? same. You're the new girl, well new girl, we should hangout some time. You seem cool." She handed me her phone,"Here, give me your phone number."

I took the phone from her hand and added in my number. When I handed it back I smiled, "Thank you"

She got up from the seat, "Don't thank me, I didn't do anything, I'll text you later!" She walked out of the classroom and lifted her hand up, waving to me, even though her back was turned towards me. She shouted as she left the room,"Bye bye!"

She was more talkative than I would have thought and she acted different than the time she came into my classroom with her friends. I do not know what it was, I thought she would have been a more serious person, not someone that would just approach me and try to become my friend right away. I wondered why she talked to me, even though it was only the second day of school, it felt like everyone had been ignoring me. And out of all the people in school, she was the first one to approach me; her name was Nanami, which means beauty in Japanese.

I entered the ramen shop, Minato was standing in the back and I saw Hiroto and Akio in front of the bar.

"What's happening" I asked as I walked over to them.

Hiroto turned towards me, "You have extra clothes?"

"Uh yeah, in the back"

"We're going out, change"

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