21- Graduation

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I walked pass the cherry blooms that are in full bloom, holding my graduation gown and cap in my hand. The graduation ceremony had just ended, I looked over at Nani who was taking graduation photos with her volleyball teammates in front of the school yard. I said goodbye to my mom and her girlfriend that had to go back to the art studio.

    Minato walked up to me, handing me flowers.

    "Happy graduation"  Akio said as he hugged me.

    "We shall drink tonight!" Hirato loudly declared. I laughed, this was the first time I have seen all of them dressed up. Even though they weren't wearing anything fancy like a suit- all three of them had on nice pants with a button up. And of course Minato wore a tie.

     I looked around, "Where's Miu?"
     "He had his last final today, but told me to tell you congrats on graduating"  Akio smiled at me.

    "Well we're off!" Hirato waved a peace sign at me as he left , Minato and Miu followed behind him after they said a politer goodbye.

    Once they left, I walked into the school and headed towards the music room, where I sat down on the bench and started playing a slow melody. Not much later the door open, I looked up,   

    "What you doing?" Nani walked up where the piano was and sat down next to me, "This reminds me of the first time we met."

    I looked over at her, "I want to play a song for you" I started playing the song I wrote about her. As I was playing I saw tears start to drop on the piano keys, they were my tears. I couldn't stop crying as I played. Things may not work out how you think they will, Nani. You may find someone else, another guy. You will meet new people. You attract people easily, even though you may not notice this about yourself. I wouldn't have been where I am today if it weren't for you.

    "I love you" I said as I looked up at her with tears falling down my face.

    "I love you too" She grabbed my face and pulled me in, kissing me.

    The night of graduation we went out to the bar as usual. I sat across from Nani like I normally do, "We're officially not high schoolers anymore" She cheerfully said as she poured both of us a shot of sake, "We're adults" She slid the shot across the table to me. 

    Akio laughed, "Don't get too ahead of yourself, you haven't even started college."

    "Speaking of college, where you are going Nani?" Miu was sitting next to me holding his beer like it was a hot cup of coffee.

    "Kobe University, got a volleyball scholarship there" She smiled.

    I looked over at Hirato who was sitting next to Minato. He was staring at me when he heard Nani say this.

    Hirato titled his head with a confused look on his face. I took another shot of sake and smiled at Hirato,"Is something wrong Hirato?"
     He smirked at me, "Kobe and Tokyo huh?" He placed his chin on the palm of his hand and leaned on the table looking at me, "What a drag" He leaned back into the leather seat as he took another shot.

    I felt my face become numb, I couldn't smile, I couldn't fake laugh and act as if he was joking. I had a blank expression on my face has I stared at Hirato.

     Akio turned towards Nani and I trying to lighten in the mood, "Well congrats to you both, college students."

    We all held up our shots as we cheered and took another shot. Shot after shot, the night went on and the drunker I got. In a couple months, we will all be on our separate ways. Minato, Hirato, Akio, and Miu will soon graduate college and start working at different companies and maybe move to different cities. I knew Minato and Hirato would always be together and so would Akio and Miu. Nani and I will soon leave for college, having to say goodbye- even if it was not a forever goodbye, I knew it would still hurt. Moving to Yokohama, Japan changed my life- it sounds cheesy saying it but it really is true. As Nani and I were walking back from the bar I held her hand, her hand felt cold for being such a warm night. As we walked down the street, the city buildings shined bright above us. I looked over at Nani who was gazing up at the sky while walking,   

    "I really am happy Nani."

    She looked over at me and smiled, "Me too."

    "But I'm also happy for you" I stopped walking and looked at the ground, "I want you to focus on college and playing volleyball. What I'm trying to say-"  I looked up at her, " I don't want you to worry about me, I don't want to distract you from reaching you goal because if I do, then I feel as if you will resent me forever."

    I felt my heart beating fast as I said these words. She looked at me with a smile on her face, "I could never resent you."

    She grabbed my waist with her hand pulling me chest against chest and kissed me. I wanted to pull back but instead it felt like I was melting in her arms. The night was warm, we had graduated from high school- the cherry blossoms will soon fall.

     The start of summer had begun. A shift in the weather, yet again- another long hot dreadful humid summer awaits. I stare at the painting that my mother painted for her that Nani had mounted on top of her bed.

    "What are you going to do with it when you leave for college?" I laid down on her bed not taking my eyes of the painting my mom had gifted to her, upon Nani's request.

    She held up her hand as she laid on the bed next to me, "My parents bought this apartment a while ago, so it will still be mine, even while I'm attending college" She looked over at me, "So we will always have a place to come back to." Her smile, so contagious and I am sure her eyes sparkled as she said this. I giggled and covered myself with the bed sheets, I felt like a little child who was overwhelmed with happiness. She wrapped me up in under the sheets then hugged me tight.

    "I am going to miss this" I said as I peeked my head up from under the sheets and turned towards her, "I can come back from Kobe anytime"

    She smiled, "You need to focus on school too"

    "I know I know"I sighed, "Doesn't mean I can't see you whenever I want."

    She laughed and kissed me. All my worries disappeared in the moment, if I had her by my side- I think I will I be okay. Even if she is nit physically standing next to me, even if she is in another city- as long as she is mine- everything was going to be okay, right?

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