27- Return

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The first snow fall in Tokyo, the snow always looked so pretty when it fell from the sky. I love sticking my tongue out as the winter snow fell, it felt more refreshing than drinking purified water out of a bottle. Winter, my favorite season, I get to wear my long coats in the three colors I bought them in; grey, black, and white. Usually wearing a hoodie under them, dressing them down since the only places I usually go to are school, work, and the bar.

     Chiko handed me an iced coffee as he sat down next to me in music class, "You ready for tonight?"

    I took a sip of my coffee, "I think so, you?"

    He laughed, "You better be ready, we're playing your new song."

    I looked down at the cup of coffee, I felt nervous for some reason even though we had played in front of a crowd like this before. The winter concert was sold out this year and Chiko and I decided to play another duet, but this time-with my song. That night I wore light grey pants, a small black top that was covered by the short light grey jacket blazer I was wearing, along with short black heals. Chiko was wearing dark grey pants and a tucked in black button up with a grey tie.

    We both stood on the side of the stage, "Show time."

    I smiled and looked at Chiko,"You better not mess up."

    He looked over at me holding his violin, "Right after you," He held his arm up towards the stage as he lowered his head.

    I walked on first, the crowd was clapping until I sat on the black bench in front of the black piano in the center of the stage. Chiko walked out as soon as I sat down, standing in front of my piano to the side of me. When we raised his violin, the crowd sat there in silence. The song started with me playing a few notes before Chiko came in, playing the violin. Whenever I played piano, it took me back to the first time I met Nani- in the music room back in high school. It took me back to the two years I spent with her, falling in love. It made me think about how I left without saying a word. Soon enough, I sat up from the bench and stood next to Chiko, we both bowed to the crowd. The people were cheering as if they heard an amazing love song, but it nothing of such, I wish the crowd was in tears, unable to move as if a knife had just stabbed their hearts, unable to cheer as they were doing now. I know it is considered polite to stand and clap after a performance- I just wonder if they felt my pain through the song we played, I wonder if they felt the hurt that I felt every day and while playing this song. I hope my feelings were clearly shared to the audience from the song Chiko and I had just played. I wonder if Nani was feeling the same way, but I wonder if Nani also hated me because I disappeared.

    "You guys were amazing" Suka walked up to me holding a bouquet of flowers, "Was that the song you worked on this Summer?"

    "Yeah" I hugged her thanking for the flowers, "Let's grab a drink."

    Chiko, Suka, and I headed to the bar that was a couple blocks down from the concert hall. A Friday night, I was leaving back to Yokohama tomorrow. We sat at the same table we usually sat at.

    Suka handed me my cocktail as she sat back down, "Don't drink too much tonight."

    I laughed and grabbed the drink from her, "Thanks Suka."

    Chiko took a sake shot then asked, "Why can't she drink a lot tonight? Are you her mom or something?"

    "Actually I'm leaving back to Yokohama tomorrow."
     He looked at me in shock, "You didn't tell me?" I started drinking my fruity cocktail, "Well I'm glad you're going back, you always stay here whenever everyone else is gone" He took another shot of sake then looked at me with wide eyes like he just realized something he never thought about, "Then we will see you in the new year huh?"

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