29- A Trip

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I handed Chiko the new music sheet, "Another song?" He asked. I sat in front of the piano in the music room of the art building at Tokyo University. Chiko stood next to me looking at the sheets of music I had just handed him, "You're gonna be a famous pianist one day."

    "And you'll be a famous violinist one day" I placed my fingers on the piano keys, "We all have dreams Chiko, doesn't mean they're going to come true."

     I started playing the song as Chiko grabbed his violin, "I'm serious Mika."

    The song took me a couple of months to come up with, almost till the end of the school year. I haven't seen Nani since winter break, we both agreed that we would work hard until the end of the year then go on vacation together in the summer. Nani's 'work hard play hard' motto she stood by- but in all honesty I think she was falling behind at the university from the last year and for her, school was everything- especially for a future doctor. The song was about love, but this time played with lighter sweet notes with a faster melody. Ever since Nani and I have started dating again, for some reason I feel a huge weight off my shoulder as if everything that had been bothering me for the past year had vanished.

    The school year soon ended and summer arrived- I bought tickets for the two of us to Indonesia- Bali. It was for the whole summer, almost two whole months we would spend there. I wanted it to just be her and me before we had to go back to college again.

    "Mika!"  I turned around to see Nani walking up to me carrying her luggages. Her smile was bright, "You ready?"

    We met at the airport in Tokyo, "Of course" I hugged her tightly. I looked over to my right as I hugged her to see a man giving me a weird look, I quickly backed away from her and put my head down. I grabbed the luggages and walked towards our flight.

    "Mika?" Nani walked beside me, "Something wrong?"

    I looked over at her and smiled, "No" then looked down at the tickets that I held in my hand, "Do you think it's weird?"

    "What is?"

    "Us" Our flight started boarding, "Two girls being together."

    I sat down next to the window on the airplane with Nani sitting next to me. She grabbed my hand, "Why are you saying that?"

    I laughed it off, "No reason" I smiled, "I'm excited for this trip" I looked out the window to watch the plane as it took off, "But I am going to miss everyone back in Yokohama."

    Bali, I have never been before nor did I ever think about going, I was never a big sun or beach person to begin with, but I knew Nani was. The monkeys swinging throughout the trees outside of the house we stayed at, the different temples we visited and the history of each building, the clubs that we drank at, me trying to hide from the sun as much as possible while Nani laid out soaking all of it in, still paler than me. Being able to sleep next to her every night, being able to hold her, kiss her, talk to her, see her. Those two months helped grow our relationship even more, it felt stronger than when we were in high school together.

    "I don't want this to end," Nani climbed on top of me while I laid in the shade next to the pool that was in the back of our house we had rented for the two months, "Let's just run away forever."

    I laughed and kissed her, "Maybe one day we can."

    She whispered in my ear, "You know you look really sexy."

    I felt myself turn red, I was wearing a blue bikini and Nani was wearing a revealing black bikini that went up her butt and barely covered her breast. I slid my fingers down her stomach,

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