25- Goodbye

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I bought a ticket to Kobe, Japan and flew out the next day without telling Nani. I really could not take it anymore, the emotions I felt were starting to slowly drown me. I just want to be with Nani, but I know I should not have bought a ticket to Kobe when I just started college. The idea of Nani being that close to a girl already, posting a picture with her- I can not help but wonder what happens when they are together. I trust Nani not to do anything with that girl, but I can't help but feel jealous.

When I arrived to Kobe, I headed straight to the university. I did not pack much, I only brought a backpack- even if I did decide to stay it would only be for the night, I couldn't risk missing any more classes that I already was. The university looked over the entire city, it was more beautiful than I thought it would be. I tried finding where volleyball practice was held, but had no luck. I stood outside trying to see if I could find the building on my phone's map.

"You looking for something?" I looked up to see a girl in front of me, she was almost six foot- her dark skin brought out her bright green eyes and blonde hair, she was wearing a Kobe University Volleyball jacket.

"I was looking for the volleyball building" I said to her in a raspy tone, realizing I had not talked all day expect for the little conversations I would have in my head.

"I can show you" I started following her as we walked, "Do you go to school here?" She asked as she looked down at me.

"No I was trying to find someone, she's on the volleyball team here"


"Nanami Fujita"

She stopped walking and stared at me, "Fujita?" She laughed, "She lives in the dorm room next to mine, I can take you there."

I followed her as we walked through the campus to the freshman doors, it was a sunny day, the leaves on the trees were starting to change color for the fall season.

"She should be back, I know she went out last night with Akari"

"Akari" I said quietly as we got into the elevator.

"Yeah, you know her?"

"Oh no" I paused and took out my phone, holding the picture that Nani sent me that showed the girl sitting on the bed, "Is that Akari?"

She smiled, "Yeah! They clicked pretty fast, they're pretty much inseparable now" She laughed, "Akari basically lives in Nani's dorm."

My heart felt like it was going to rip apart, but I tried to act as if I was not bothered by what she was telling me. We got off the elevator and were walking down the hall,

"Oh there's Nani"

I looked up to see Nani and Akari talking in the middle of the hallway, it looked like Akari was just leaving the dorm that Nani was standing right outside of. Nani had her long hair up in a bun, wearing the silk pajamas that she loved to always wear whenever we would stay in her apartment all day back in Yokohama.

I ran, I ran back to the elevator before they could see me.

"Hey wait" The girl ran after me, getting into the elevator that I just got on, "I thought you wanted to see her?"

I quickly pressed the elevator number to head back to the lobby, then sat down in the elevator trying to regroup myself, "Can you do me a favor?" I said in a shaky voice.

She got down on her knees looking at me, "What's up?"

I looked up at her, "Please don't tell Nani that I came here, just pretend this never happened."

The girl took my hand, lifting me back up as the elevator door opened, "Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you" We walked out of the elevator and headed back outside.

The girl grabbed my hand as I was walking away, "But can I ask you something?"

I turned around facing her, "What is it?"

"Why did you want to see her?"

I smiled, "For my own selfish reasons."

She looked at me with a shocked looked on her face, I didn't tell her my name or who I was to Nani- I just hoped she would keep this between her and I. I don't want Nani to know I was there, she looked happy. When I saw her talking to that girl, she had a bright smile on her face as she laughing. I was being selfish, to think I wanted to keep Nani all to myself. I was so consumed with being in love that I did not take a step back to see what I was doing. Even if I did go up to her that day, what would I have ever said? I would have just made things harder on the both of us.

She was happy, even without me. So from now on,

I will learn how to be happy without her.

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