17- Some Guy

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"Leaving?" My mom asked as I grabbed my backpack that sat in the living room. She was sitting in the kitchen with her new girlfriend who casually stays at our house a few days at a time. I felt a little weird when I first found out she had a girlfriend. My father still doesn't know about it either, I wonder what he would say. But I am not surprised, my mom is the most open minded person I have known- at least for someone her age.

    As I left I could hear her yell have a good day, but the door shut before I could respond. Another hot day, another summer day, thankfully the summer weather was coming to an end. I walked to the train station and waited for the subway that I rode to school. I didn't have that usual weird feeling of coming back to school after the summer since I had been attending music club. As I got off the subway, I headed to school that was only a few blocks away. I heard running footsteps coming from behind me, then someone shouting.
     I turned around to see Nani running towards me. I stopped and waited for her, she was not too far behind. When she caught up to me she bent down with her hands on her knees breathing really loud, "Geez it's hot as hell."
     "Because you just ran" I had a little of an attitude when saying this.

    She stood up and squinted her eyes at me, "You in a bad mood or something?"
     She wrapped her arm around my neck and laughed, "Geez, I don't want to go to school, want to skip?"
     She looked over at me and smirked. I sighed, "It's the first day of school, no."

    We were both sweating from the sun beating down on us as we walked into school. We both walked up stairs together to see what class we would be in for the new year.

    "You think we'll be in the same class?" She asked as we headed to the end of the hallway where everyone was looking at the pieces of papers hung on the wall that had each person's classroom on listed.

    There was a crowd of people trying to look at the schedule, I stood back as Nani pushed her way through the crowd to find both of our names. I watched as she hurried back through the crowd telling people to move, I saw her smiling as she ran up to hug me. She quickly pulled back, "We're in the same class."

    Her smile was so bright as she said this, I could feel my heart start to race. Even though I didn't say it to her, I was hoping we would be in the same class. As we walked into the classroom I sat in the back corner next to the window and she sat next to me. I looked over at her when the teacher walked in,

    "What about your other friends?" I tried asking quietly.

    She looked over at me then around the classroom for a minute, "Guess they aren't in the same class"


    I looked over to see who called her name, a guy that I had never seen before walked towards us. Nani looked over, I saw her smile brighten up- the way she looked at me, "Kota?"
     She seemed excited when she saw him, I sat there watching as she got up from her seat and hugged him- with an blank expression on my face. He sat down next to the empty chair in front of her and diagonal to me.

    He looked back at her, "How have you been?"
     She looked excited like a new fire in her just started, "I have been good. We won nationals" She winked at him, "What happened to you last year?"

     "My parents sent me Korea to study abroad. But they let me come back for my last year"

     She was leaning forward on her desk as they were talking, "Because of all the trouble you got it?" She laughed, "I miss those days," She let out a big sigh as she leaned back on the chair.

    He chuckled and smiled at her, "That's why I came back" I saw him wink after saying this, then he turned back around as the teacher started calling roll.

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