14- A College Plan

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The music club, I never thought I would be sitting here- in front of a music instructor being taught a famous piano piece, known as Fantaisie Impromptu by Chopin. Being taught by someone else other than my grandfather or my mother. He was an older man, with short long grey hair that was tied in a pony tail.

"You're a fast learner" He said while sitting next to me on the piano bench. He went on, "Have you thought about what you want to do for college?"

I hesitated to answer, " Not really."

"You should look into music school" He grabbed a packet from his brown bag that was on the ground next to him and handed it to me, "You shouldn't waist your talent," I opened the packet it, it had different flyers and information about music schools in Japan, "I recommend Tokyo University of Arts," He said confidently.

"Is that where you went?" I asked him.

He smiled and said yes, then left shortly after and music club ended. Tokyo University, it would be cool going to college in another city. This isn't the first time I heard someone talk about Tokyo University, my mom went there when studying abroad. It would not be a bad idea, applying to art school at this university.

I kept playing the piano for a bit after until Chiko walked in, "You still here?" I looked up from the piano, Chiko's still braided in two, he was wearing his uniform with a couple buttons undone on his shirt and his tie loosened. He walked up to me, "What's that?"

He pointed to the packet the teacher had given me that sat on top of the piano, "A list of colleges that the piano teacher gave me."

He took the packet from where it was sitting and started looking through it, "Tokyo University" I looked up at him when he said this, "You thinking of going there?"He asked me so nonchalantly.

I stood up and leaned over to see what he was looking at, "Maybe."

He looked up at me, "Tough school to get into, but you'll be fine." He handed me back the packet, "I guess if we both get it, we'll be going to the same school". He started to walk away, "I'll see you later," Chiko waved his hand at me as he left the music room.

He had a smooth voice, that was not too deep or too high pitched. He was confident in what he said and what he did, especially when it came to playing the violin. I headed over to the ramen shop soon after, it was a chilly night and the subway was crowded. I walked into my work mainly thinking about school. I saw Minato serving a couple of the regulars as they were taking shots of sake.

"Mika! This shot is for you!" One of the old guys shouted to me as I walked behind the bar, I smiled and laughed giving him a peace sign.

As Minato walked up to me, I looked at him and said, "Tokyo University." He had a confused look on his face and I repeated myself, "Tokyo University."

I said as I walked past him to the other side of the
counter where all the sake was. He turned around and followed me, "That's where you're thinking of going?"

"If I can even get in" I said as I grabbed a bottle of sake for the customer, then walked over to where the guys were sitting, "Another bottle?"

The old man laughed, "You know me too well!"
I sat the sake down at their table and walked back to the kitchen where Minato was.

"You probably have to go through auditions," Minato said to me.

"Yeah yeah," I replied hoping he wouldn't talk about the subject anymore.

"Have you told Nani?"

I snapped at him, "I haven't even applied, okay? Don't go off telling anyone, alright?" I realized my tone and suddenly felt bad, "Sorry, it's just, I don't know what Nani's plan is and I really don't want to deal with it. We still have a year left."

He was staring at me with an intense look on his face, "You two are going to have to talk about your college plan sooner or later."

I looked in front of me, the shop was pretty small so even being behind the counter I had a good view of the street when looking at the glass windows in front of the shop. I could see the rain spots start to appear on the window. Not much after, I saw people walking with umbrellas as the rain began to pick up. Minato was right and I knew it even if he had not said anything. The rain will stop soon- summer is arriving.
"Finals are next week and you're here?" Nani sat next to me at the table we were all sitting at. Finals were coming up in a couple days and I was drinking at the bar with Minato, Hirato, Akio, and Miu.

"I already studied" I slurred my words as I finished the rest of my cocktail.

Hirato shouted across the table, "Nani, Have a shot!" He poured her a shot of the sake they were all drinking and slid it across the table.

"One shoot then I'm leaving and taking Mika with me."

"What a buzz kill," Miu said as he downed his beer. About ten minutes after saying this, Miu slammed his head on the table.

I looked at him then turned to Akio, "I think he passed out."

Hirato started laughing as he poked Miu's head, "Looks like you need to take your man home too."

Nani grabbed my hand as she got up from the seat, "Well good luck with that."

I laughed as I got up with her, "See you later losers."

Nani was holding my hand leading me out of the bar. When we got outside she turned towards me, "You're studying with me all tomorrow."

As I walked home with Nani, feeling her cold hand holding mine and the smile she gave me whenever she looked over at me. Was I taking that for granted? Every day at school when she ate lunch with me, the nights I spent being held by her, our two dates we had every week wether it was a short or long, kissing her, feeling her, looking at her, talking to her, loving her- was I truly taking in every moment. When I went to Seoul with her, it felt like time went by so fast, I felt like I took those moments for granted in Seoul. I want to go back, I want to re live those moments I had with her. Rather- I think I have mistaken taking something for granted with not wanting something to end. I was scared of loosing her- I was scared that this would eventually come to an end. I know people say to live in the moment, but that moment will soon come to an end- and then what?

What do you do then? Live in the next moment.

But then what? The cycle continues.

It really is a never ending cycle. Life seemed to get more confusing and complicated the moment I fell in love.

After studying for finals the next day, I left to go back home. There was gentle breeze as I walked passed the cherry blossoms- they were in full bloom. I walked into my apartment, my mom was in the living room sketching a new art piece.

She set her notepad down and looked at me, "What's been up lately? You haven't visited my art studio in a while."

"I'm thinking about applying to Tokyo University for their art program," I said nervously. She stopped drawing but didn't look up at me, "I started going to music club after school and I have been taking piano lessons, I may have a good chance of getting in."

She started drawing on her notepad again, "Have you told your father?"


She smiled, "Well, let's see if you get in first."

It sounded like she was taking what I said as a joke. I never talked about my future until now and she never asked me about it either. My mother and I have a good relationship, but when it came to discussing serious matters- she tended to not really care. But she was right, I may not even get into that college. It made me worry a little less knowing this. I wonder if Nani is going through the same thing I am right now. If she is worrying about her future plans for college and what will happen to us.

But soon it will be summer, the start of a humid tropical summer in Yokohama- my least favorite time of year.

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