Chapter 7

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^^Swan Lake.

Welcome back NJ gang! I've missed you all and I've missed writing. It's good to be back!

- NJNJ14 xo

Nova Lux's POV

Once more.

It needs to be perfect.

My sweat drips onto the wooden floor.

My feet ache and my arms are numb.

My head is light from dizziness and the stage lights are blindingly bright, burning down onto me like the sun.


I move to the beat of the 'Swan Lake' theme music, gliding like a knife through the air.

My clothes stick to my body, my hair, to my neck.


I bend into the next pose, completely ignoring the pain in my ribs.

A lot of people have danced to this music.

But not like me.

I have to be better.

I jump.

The landing is perfect.

It's perfect.

But something is missing...

"Lux?" A voice calls.

The voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I shield my eyes from the blinding light to find the source of the noise.

I peer into the darkness to find a tall man, with dark hair, an impressive build and a gym bag slung onto his shoulder.

"Itsuki." I respond.

I look at the time.

"You're early" I remark.

He smiles all big, so proud of himself, and I nearly crack.

He's adorable.

"Yes ma'am I am. I don't wanna keep you waiting" he says.

I nod and move to turn off the stage lights, calling for him to open the curtains.

He does as he's told, and he throws the curtains open, allowing daylight in.

He blinks at the light.

"What are we doing today? More stretching? Drills? Something new?" He asks all at once.

He's like a golden retriever.

Well... better a golden retriever, than the way he was before.

"We're doing something new" I tell him.

I pick up a pair of ballet slippers and throw them for him to catch.

"Wear these and get used to them. I'm gonna clean myself up. I reek of sweat" I say to him.

He looks ready to complain, but he bites his tongue.


He remembered.

He wears the shoes and stands in them, trying to get on his toes and he immediately drops with a thud.

I laugh aloud and he looks up at me shocked, before grinning.

"I've never heard you laugh like that" he says.

His voice is almost gentle.

"I like it!" He says.

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