something special

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His name was Charles and to me that meant damnation.
He would be my end and my beginning and everything in between.
Or would he just be a person I would never see again?

Would he even find me attractive when he saw my face illuminated by sunlight. Or would that turn his attention to all of my flaws. The pimples I had on my cheeks and the slightly crooked nose. Would he mind?
Obviously he would. As he himself was the most beautiful human to have ever graced the earth.
I did believe that his face kissed by the sunlight would be no different than his face contoured by the darkness of the club. He was either way beautiful.

I leaned in closer. He smiled.
After a few seconds of silence I opened my mouth just to close it again.
He gazed at me. It was visible that his mind was forming a question.
He spoke "Is everything okay?" as he locked eyes with me.

"Yes i'm fine. I'm just thinking."

"Thinking about my name and how nicely it rolls of the tongue?" he asked with a smile.

I chuckled and covered my mouth with my hand.
"You almost guessed it." I replied and flashed him a seemingly disappointed smile.

Charles chuckled and I joined him.

"No but seriously.. tell me what you are thinking about?" he said and his voice turned serious.

My smile faded. I did not want to tell him about my insecurities. Not now. Not right after meeting him. I did not want to chase him away that easily.
So I said nothing and remained silent.

Charles did not take his eyes off me for one second. I glanced at the floor.
Suddenly and before Charles could say another word the sofa we were sitting on was almost knocked over by someone throwing himself in it.
I looked to my right and saw another man. Brown hair and brown eyes. I did consider him handsome. He seemed intoxicated and did not really pay attention to me.
Instead he looked at charles and shouted "I think me and Nick are gonna take off soon!"

Charles looked at the other male with wide eyes. He seemed dumbfounded for some seconds before he managed to reply a quick "Okay, I will join you later at the hotel then."

"Why? This party is lame. We were planning on going to another party or something. Everyone is going." the man said to Charles.

My heart stopped beating for sone seconds.
Did Charles really have to leave this early? The lump in my throat made breathing difficult. My hands nervously grabbed hold of one another.

Charles just eyes the man.
The man gave Charles a confused look back and then suddenly seemed to notice my presence.
"Oh, hello." he said to me.
He smirked.

I gave him a faint smile and then turned towards Charles.

"Who's this little one?" the man asked and my head snapped towards him.
He giggled.
"Carlos, leave her alone." Charles said loudly.

"Charles.. please don't spoil the evening just because you want to fuck some random girl. The last time you did that I told you she just wanted to steal your wallet... and she did!" Carlos seemed to chuckle at his own words.
While my jaw simply dropped.

'The time...?' I said to myself.
Charles ... a notorious player?

Charles smile was now finally completely brushed off and he stood up. He walked over to the so named Carlos and grabbed him by the arm. Carlos got dragged off the sofa rather quickly.
"Carlos.. you had  too much to drink. Now leave us alone and wait outside. I will be there soon!" Charles yelled.
Carlos seemed dumbfounded and just stared back at him.
Charles rolled his eyes and gave Carlos a push towards the door.

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