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Casey was holing my hand as we walked out of the hospital.

My brain still couldn't process everything that had just happened.

Casey sighed. "I told him..." she said under her breath.

"What?" I said loudly, letting go of her hand.

"I called Charles. I told him that you are at the hospital and that you thought he cheated on you and that you were hurting... I only wanted to help. I'm so sorry." Casey said with a sad smile.

I faced her. "It's okay. You couldn't expect this..." I said truthfully.

As we continued to walk down the road we saw the flashing blue lights of a police car. The door was open and the policeofficer was talking to someone. As we got closer I could make out Charles.
He was being questioned. Probably because of hitting James I thought.
Charles hand was bleeding and his eyes were swollen.

My heart ached.
My hand touched my chest. Pain.

Even After everything that had happened between us. I still wanted to console him, to hug him and kiss him.

He looked up in just that moment. My heart stopped a beat.

He gave me a sad smile and then looked away.

The policeman said something to him and then closed the car door and drove off.

Charles turned his head around slowly. I locked eyes with him.
He looked desperate but quickly turned his head away from me and walked towards his own car.

I couldn't let him go. Not now. I wanted closure. Or maybe I wanted a happy ending. I wanted him to make it all okay. But how can it be okay... he hit someone. He is a violent person. I could never love someone like this.

Casey was eyeing me this whole time. "Go." she said softly. I looked at her in confusion.
"What?" I replied.
"Go to him, talk to him, you know you want it."
"Of corse I want... but how can I. After what he has done..."

Casey fell silent.

Charles destroyed everything. The prince charming fantasy I had of him was broken.

The door of his Ferarri opened and then closed. The engine started with a loud sound.
And my feet were walking.
What? No! They were really walking... towards the car. I couldn't control it. They weren't walking anymore, they were running. Dashing towards him.

I came to a stop in front of his car door. I could see his silhouette behind the tainted glass. His head was buried in his hands. He hadn't noticed me, so I just stared at him. I stared hin down. My thoughts were screaming at him to look at me.

After some moments that felt like hours he finally did, he looked up and I heard the sound of the door unlocking. He opened it softly.

There sat the boy I loved. Watery eyes, messy hair, bleeding hand.

I just eyed hin. Gazed at his big eyes and perfectly rounded lips. And he looked back, looked into my soul, my mind and my heart.

I could feel my skin craw. A shiver down my spine.

After a short while I whispered "Can I get in?". My eyes glanced at the passenger seat.

He just nodded. Emotionlessly. Exhausted.
I walked towards the door of his Ferrari and got in.

Without any further explanation, he pressed the gas pedal down firmly and I got squeezed into my seat.

The sky had already started darkening. Clouds started covering the blue sky. The perfect weather for melancholy. And melancholy it was.To make it even more feel like a scene from a movie one single drop of rain hit the windshield. Then some more, then a hundred and it was pouring.

We didn't talk. Nor did we know how to. Or what to say. What do you say in a moment like this? What would be suitable?
His eyes were focused on the road and my eyes were busy looking at the rain drops fall.

The car pulled over and I looked up.
We were at the place where we first had sex.

My glance followed Charles' he was looking at the distance.
His face still a bit swollen. Hair messy. He looked so good.
I thought about the face that he had hit other man today. He hit him for me. But why? Because he thought that James liked me? That he was flirting with me. But why would he care? Hadn't he just cheated on me? Wasn't he the first one to break my trust? My thoughts were rancing through my brain. Charles in the meantime had opened his door. He got out and looked back at me.
„You coming?" he asked timidly.
A shiver went down my spine for the hundreds time today. Bur I just nooded and followed him outside.

There was still the small lake in the middle of the forest. The water was clear but the sun was covered in clouds.

We walked towards it. Charles in front.

As I looked at the back of his head a single thought crossed my mind.

'I love him'

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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