bathroom stall

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Charles was an excellent driver and I kind of had a feeling that his job had something to do with cars when we pulled in the parking lot of a fancy looking club. Charles opened his door and stepped outside. The cold filled the car and sent shivers down my spine. While Charles was walking around the car I inspected the club through the windshield of the Ferrari.
It looked well above my budget. I was worried but did not want to show it. Just in that moment Charles pulled the handle and the passenger door of his red Ferrari opened swiftly.

He looked at me then stretched his hand out to me. I took it and he locked the car behind us.

Even from far away I could see Carlos discuss something with the bouncer.
He handed over a dollar bill which the bouncer eagerly put in his pocket. I glanced at Charles but his eyes just calmly observed the situation.
This for me in no way was normal but Charles did not seem to mind. So I kept my mouth shut.
We were allowed to enter the club shortly after.

It was huge. There were at least two dance floors, one upstairs area, a VIP Lounge and multiple waitresses were walking around carrying champagne and beer bottles.  We were standing on the main dance floor in the middle of at least a hundred dancing people.
I glanced around in amazement but Charles pushed me forward.
"This is not for us." he whispered into my ear.

Carlos walked at the front of the field and only came to an hold when another bouncer was sliding in his way to block the three steps that led to the VIP area. The bouncer looked Carlos straight in the eye and then quickly backed off. Carlos again pulled out a dollar bill and gave it to the guy. He again took it and we were allowed to enter the VIP lounge without any questions asked.

And then there are people who deny the saying 'money opens doors'.
Couldn't be me.

After a short walk we reach a big couch and sat down on it. Carlos was already wandering off towards the dance floor and I scanned the room and the people in it more carefully now.

If looking from the VIP lounge it was still a huge place. The dance floor seemed to be made out of glass as it was shimmering in the flashing lights. The roof was high above our heads, it made the room feel endless. The couch was made out of leather and the table in front of us seemed to be made of mahogany. There was a large red curtain covering the wall behind us. Golden balloons were floating around everywhere as was golden confetti. The roof was covered in gold paint and the waitresses were wearing golden bodysuits with a red ribbon at the back.
It was truly like a daydream.

When looking at the people around us I could make out the back of Carlos head vanishing in the crowd.
There was a woman sitting right next to me. She was wearing white pants and red lipstick. Her blonde hair was tied together in a ponytail and she was all things considered extremely gorgeous. The man next to her was of a rather slim built. His short hair made him look like a hedgehog. He wore a white flannel shirt and blue jeans paired up with white nike air force. He was the cliche of a rich guy. His arm was wrapped around the lady to my right.
They did in no way made a nice couple but they seemed comfortable around each other and that was as things seemed the most important part.
Next to Mr Hedgehog was another man but he was sitting too far away for me to make out any recognisable features.
Then to my left there was still Charles. He was looking at me.
And I looked back.
His lips curled into a smile and he leaned back.
The couple to my right made an escape to the dance floor leaving me, Charles and the strange guy all to our selves.
The mysterious guy stood up shortly after and said "I'm gonna see what Carlos's up to." in a British accent.
Charles gave him a short nod.

After he left Charles was vibing to the music for a bit, his arm wrapped around me tightly. I on the other hand was still observing the room. That's when I spotted a group of girls in the crowd. All of them wore tight dresses, heals and thin necklaces were dangling around their necks. They pointed in our direction once or twice. It made me uncomfortable. Unlike me, their aura screamed glamour. I was sure their daddies made more in a minute than mine in a whole year. Not only were they all rich but they also were pretty, slim and tall. Qualities I was only longing for. As I was plain, rather chubby and way too tall for my own good.
To make things worse they seemed to be having a laugh. If it was on my coast I did not know and I surely did not want to find out.

Charles seemed to have noticed my nervous glance and grabbed my hand.
"You want to dance?" he exclaimed with a cheerful smile.
I felt a weird sensation in my stomach. It was as if I was feeling as if I had just swallowed a big stone. It was heavy in my stomach.
I, more forcefully than I had intended, slapped Charles hand away and added a quick "I'm gonna be right back!" before running to the bathroom.

Reaching it I opened the nearest bathroom stall and threw up my dinner. A sudden burst of insecurity and confusion slammed me to the ground. The weight of a thousand rocks were pressing me down.
What was I even doing? I never had a boyfriend, never had sex, never even talked to a guy on my own. And now there was the most attractive, most caring, most adorable and perfect rich guy wanting to go out with me. I will destroy it all. Just like I always do. How could I ever imagine that he would look at me twice if the group of perfect girls came over to us. How could I blame him if he leaves me for one of them?
Oh what kind of world was I living in?
My cinderella story was doomed from the start. Clearly Charles was a great guy but our worlds are too far apart and I, too insecure to ever be with a man like him.

The sudden realisation made my vision blurry. As I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom stall I noticed wet drops falling into my lap. Was I crying? At that time I didn't even care anymore.

Suddenly a loud bang on the door snapped me out of my misery. The loud knock scared the hell out of me.
I lowered my head to glance through the opening at the bottom of the stall. Someone was standing right in front of the door. Another bang sent shivers down my spine.
I got up from the ground, tried to dry my tears and slowly opened the door.

In front of it was a woman in her twenties.
She eyed me. I only glanced back at her with an opened mouth.

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